ABSTRACT: Increasing commercial and recreational use of the world’s oceans has led to growing concerns about vessel and marine mammal encounters. For endangered species such as the North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis, reducing the number of vessel strikes is key to improving their protection. In this study, we developed an agent-based model to assess the efficacy of thermal imaging systems as a surface-based whale detection method for vessel strike mitigation. We found that the detection range of such systems is the determining factor for their efficacy and needs to be chosen according to vessel characteristics, such as speed and maneuverability. Furthermore, we found that combining large-scale (e.g. protected zones) and small-scale (e.g. on-board detection systems) mitigation strategies increases protection. Finally, technological improvements are needed to achieve reliable detection ranges beyond what is currently possible so that fast and poorly maneuverable vessels such as ultra-large container ships could benefit from on-board detection systems.
KEY WORDS: Eubalaena glacialis · Conservation · Marine mammals · Ship strike · Ship-whale collision · Marine spatial planning · Cetacean
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(2022) Effectiveness of surface-based detection methods for vessel strike mitigation of North Atlantic right whales. Endang Species Res 49:57-69. https://doi.org/10.3354/esr01202
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