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Endangered Species Research

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ESR - Vol. 5, No. 1 - Table of contents

ESR - Vol. 5, No. 1 - Table of contents

Endang Species Res (Print ISSN: 1863-5407; Online ISSN: 1613-4796)
Copyright © 2008 Inter-Research.

Articles are freely available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Bearzi G, Agazzi S, Gonzalvo J, Costa M, Bonizzoni S, Politi E, Piroddi C, Reeves RR
Overfishing and the disappearance of short-beaked common dolphins from western Greece
ESR 5:1-12 | Full text in pdf format

Hillers A, Loua NS, Rödel MO
Assessment of the distribution and conservation status of the viviparous toad Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis on Monts Nimba, Guinea
ESR 5:13-19 | Full text in pdf format

Curtin AJ, Zug GR, Medica PA, Spotila JR
Assessing age in the desert tortoise Gopherus agassizii: testing skeletochronology with individuals of known age
ESR 5:21-27 | Full text in pdf format

Parker L, Nijman V, Nekaris KAI
When there is no forest left: fragmentation, local extinction, and small population sizes in the Sri Lankan western purple-faced langur
ESR 5:29-36 | Full text in pdf format

Dutton PH, Balazs GH, LeRoux RA, Murakawa SKK, Zarate P, Martínez LS
Composition of Hawaiian green turtle foraging aggregations: mtDNA evidence for a distinct regional population
ESR 5:37-44 | Full text in pdf format

Penman TD, Lemckert FL, Mahony MJ
Applied conservation management of a threatened forest dependent frog, Heleioporus australiacus
ESR 5:45-53 | Full text in pdf format

Baker JD
Variation in the relationship between offspring size and survival provides insight into causes of mortality in Hawaiian monk seals
ESR 5:55-64 | Full text in pdf format

Gillespie IG, Allen EB
Restoring the rare forb Erodium macrophyllum to exotic grassland in southern California
ESR 5:65-72 | Full text in pdf format

Reisser J, Proietti M, Kinas P, Sazima I
Photographic identification of sea turtles: method description and validation, with an estimation of tag loss
ESR 5:73-82 | Full text in pdf format

Tremblay RL
Ecological correlates and short-term effects of relocation of a rare epiphytic orchid after Hurricane Georges
ESR 5:83-90 | Full text in pdf format