Inter-Research > ESR > v6 > n2 > p127-135  
Endangered Species Research

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ESR 6:127-135 (2008)  -  DOI:

Applications of the IUCN Red List: towards a global barometer for plant diversity

Neil Brummitt*, Steven P. Bachman, Justin Moat

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, UK

ABSTRACT: The scale of the global biodiversity crisis means that international efforts to identify, conserve and monitor threatened species must be carried out at a greater speed than ever before. Recent developments in information technology present an opportunity to speed up the production of species conservation assessments, and methods and prospects for this are discussed in the context of the work being conducted on plant assessments for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Sampled Red List Index. The need for an internationally agreed upon, comparable, standardised system such as the Red List is emphasised here, but ultimately more efficient techniques must be developed to supplement the existing approach if this is to be able to meet the global demand.

KEY WORDS: IUCN · Red List · Plants · Sampled Red List Index · SRLI · Geographical Information System · GIS

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Cite this article as: Brummitt N, Bachman SP, Moat J (2008) Applications of the IUCN Red List: towards a global barometer for plant diversity. Endang Species Res 6:127-135.

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