Inter-Research > ESR > v8 > n3 > p193-199  
Endangered Species Research

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ESR 8:193-199 (2009)  -  DOI:

Conservation implications should guide the application of conservation genetics research

Briar J. Howes*, Richard Pither, Kent A. Prior

1Ecological Integrity Branch, Parks Canada Agency, 25 rue Eddy, Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0M5, Canada

ABSTRACT: Genetics research can reveal important insights into the effective management of species at risk, yet research does not often translate into meaningful management outcomes. Before engaging in genetics research, conservation practitioners should carefully consider the resulting management outcomes by identifying the potential results of the proposed research, the conservation implications of the results, whether these implications call for a change in management practices, and whether such a change is possible. We provide a decision key to aid practitioners in evaluating the merit of a particular genetics research question, and we demonstrate the use of this key with 2 example research questions.

KEY WORDS: Conservation genetics · Species at risk · Recovery planning · Conservation science · Conservation biology · Conservation resource allocation

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Cite this article as: Howes BJ, Pither R, Prior KA (2009) Conservation implications should guide the application of conservation genetics research. Endang Species Res 8:193-199.

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