Inter-Research > ESR > v9 > n1 > p49-59  
Endangered Species Research

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ESR 9:49-59 (2009)  -  DOI:

Bycatch of protected species and other species of concern in US east coast commercial fisheries

Erika A. Zollett*

MRAG Americas, Inc., 65 Eastern Avenue, Unit B2C, Essex, Massachusetts 01929, USA

ABSTRACT: Bycatch, the incidental capture of any marine animal in fishing gear, occurs globally in nearly every type of fishing gear. This paper consolidates the existing published and unpublished information about bycatch of protected species and other species of concern in commercial fishing gear on the east coast of the United States. A total of 49 commercial fisheries were reviewed, 39 of which had documented bycatch. The study identifies documented and potential bycatch of marine mammal, sea turtle, sea bird, fish, and invertebrate species in addition to existing bycatch mitigation and management in these fisheries. This information can be used as a resource for scientists, managers, and conservation practitioners in understanding the extent of bycatch and bycatch mitigation on the US east coast.

KEY WORDS: Bycatch · Protected species · Species of concern · US east coast · Commercial fisheries

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Cite this article as: Zollett EA (2009) Bycatch of protected species and other species of concern in US east coast commercial fisheries. Endang Species Res 9:49-59.

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