Inter-Research > MEPS > HEAT > c_p_av11  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Correction to MEPS HEAT: AV11 (2023) - DOI:

Correction to MEPS: HEATav11 (2023) - DOI:

Marine heatwaves affect breeding, diet and population size but not body condition of a range-edge little penguin colony


B. L. Cannell*, W. L. Kendall, J. A. Tyne, M. Bunce, Y. Hetzel, D. Murray, B. Radford

*Corresponding author:

April 29, 2024:

In Fig. 5 on page 9, only data from 1986–2018 was shown, although the annual percentage of little penguin eggs that hatched and overall breeding success is from 1986–2019. The figure has now been amended.

May 8, 2024:

On page 12, last paragraph, a value for the population estimate in 2008 was incorrectly given as 1587 instead of 1857. The correct text should read:

’Over the 6 yr of the mark-recapture study, the island-wide population of penguins peaked in 2008 at 1857’

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