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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 101 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1993 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Kahru, M., Leppanen, J.-M., Rud, O.
Cyanobacterial blooms cause heating of the sea surface
MEPS 101:1-7 | Full text in pdf format

Coffin, R. B., Connolly, J. P., Harris, P. S.
Availability of dissolved organic carbon to bacterioplankton examined by oxygen utilization
MEPS 101:9-22 | Full text in pdf format

Zweifel, U. L, Norrman, B., Hagstrom, A.
Consumption of dissolved organic carbon by marine bacteria and demand for inorganic nutrients
MEPS 101:23-32 | Full text in pdf format

Gowing, M. M.
Large virus-like particles from vacuoles of phaeodarian radiolarians and from other marine samples
MEPS 101:33-43 | Full text in pdf format

Taguchi, S., Laws, E. A., Bidigare, R. R.
Temporal variability in chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentrations during incubations in the absence of grazers
MEPS 101:45-53 | Full text in pdf format

Pichard, S. L, Frischer, M. E., Paul, J. H.
Ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase gene expression in subtropical marine phytoplankton populations
MEPS 101:55-65 | Full text in pdf format

Haldorson, L., Prichett, M., Paul, A. J., Ziemann, D.
Vertical distribution and migration of fish larvae in a Northeast Pacific bay
MEPS 101:67-80 | Full text in pdf format

van der Veer, H. W., Witte, J. IJ.
The 'maximum growth/optimal food condition' hypothesis: a test for 0-group plaice Pleuronectes platessa in the Dutch Wadden Sea
MEPS 101:81-90 | Full text in pdf format

Costa, P. A. S., Fernandes, F. C.
Reproductive cycle of Loligo sanpaulensis (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) in the Cabo Frio region, Brazil
MEPS 101:91-97 | Full text in pdf format

Minello, T. J.
Chronographic tethering: a technique for measuring prey survival time and testing predation pressure in aquatic habitats
MEPS 101:99-104 | Full text in pdf format

Jaramillo, E., McLachlan, A., Coetzee, P.
Intertidal zonation patterns of macroinfauna over a range of exposed sandy beaches in south-central Chile
MEPS 101:105-118 | Full text in pdf format

Taylor, D. I., Allanson, B. R.
Impacts of dense crab populations on carbon exchanges across the surface of a salt marsh
MEPS 101:119-129 | Full text in pdf format

Hunter, E., Naylor, E.
Intertidal migration by the shore crab Carcinus maenas
MEPS 101:131-138 | Full text in pdf format

Brickner, I., Kramarsky-Winter, E., Mokady, O., Loya, Y.
Speciation in the coral-boring bivalve Lithophaga purpurea: evidence from ecological, biochemical and SEM analysis
MEPS 101:139-145 | Full text in pdf format

Miron, G., Kristensen, E.
Behavioural response of three nereid polychaetes to injection of sulfide inside burrows
MEPS 101:147-155 | Full text in pdf format

Rodriguez, S. R., Ojeda, F. P.
Distribution patterns of Tetrapygus niger (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) off the central Chilean coast
MEPS 101:157-162 | Full text in pdf format

Pennings, S. C, Svedberg, J.
Does CaC03 in food deter feeding by sea urchins?
MEPS 101:163-167 | Full text in pdf format

Pedersen, M. F., Borum, J.
An annual nitrogen budget for a seagrass Zostera marina population
MEPS 101:169-177 | Full text in pdf format

Conley, D. J., Schelske, C. L., Stoermer, E. F.
Modification of the biogeochemical cycle of silica with eutrophication
MEPS 101:179-192 | Full text in pdf format

Lee, S., Malone, C, Kemp, P. F.
Use of multiple 16S rRNA-targeted fluorescent probes to increase signal strength and measure cellular RNA from natural planktonic bacteria
MEPS 101:193-201 | Full text in pdf format

Leonard, G. H., Clark, R. P.
Point quadrat versus video transect estimates of the cover of benthic red algae
MEPS 101:203-208 | Full text in pdf format

Brock, J., Sathyendranath, S., Piatt, T.
Modelling the seasonality of subsurface light and primary production in the Arabian Sea
MEPS 101:209-221 | Full text in pdf format

Röpke, A.
Do larvae of mesopelagic fishes in the Arabian Sea adjust their vertical distribution to physical and biological gradients?
MEPS 101:223-235 | Full text in pdf format

Connaughton, V. P., Epifanio, C. E.
Influence of previous experience on the feeding habits of larval weakfish Cynoscion regalis
MEPS 101:237-241 | Full text in pdf format

Thuesen, E. V., Numachi, K., Nemoto, T.
Genetic variation in the planktonic chaetognaths Parasagitta elegans and Eukrohnia hamata
MEPS 101:243-251 | Full text in pdf format

Hayashibara, T., Shimoike, K., Kimura, T., Hosaka, S., Heyward, A., Harrison, P., Kudo, K., Omori, M.
Patterns of coral spawning at Akajima Island, Okinawa, Japan
MEPS 101:253-262 | Full text in pdf format

Trowbridge, C. D.
Interactions between an ascogiossan sea slug and its green algal host: branch loss and role of epiphytes
MEPS 101:263-272 | Full text in pdf format

Upton, A. C, Nedwell, D. B., Parkes, R. J., Harvey, S. M.
Seasonal benthic microbial activity in the southern North Sea; oxygen uptake and sulphate reduction
MEPS 101:273-281 | Full text in pdf format

Lohse, L., Malschaert, J. F. P., Slomp, C. P., Helder, W., van Raaphorst, W.
Nitrogen cycling in North Sea sediments: interaction of denitrification and nitrification in offshore and coastal areas
MEPS 101:283-296 | Full text in pdf format

Paerl, H. W., Joye, S. B., Fitzpatrick, M.
Evaluation of nutrient limitation of C02 and N2 fixation in marine microbial mats
MEPS 101:297-306 | Full text in pdf format

Goericke, R., Repeta, D. J.
Chlorophylls a and b and divinyl chlorophylls a and b in the open subtropical North Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 101:307-313 | Full text in pdf format