Kinne O
MEPS continues to grow--where is the limit?
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Thompson DR, Furness RW, Lewis SA
Diets and long-term changes in δ15N and δ13C values in northern fulmars Fulmarus glacialis from two northeast Atlantic colonies
MEPS 125:13-11 | Full text in pdf format
Coull BC, Greenwood JG, Fielder DR, Coull BA
Subtropical Australian juvenile fish eat meiofauna:experiments with winter whiting Sillago maculata and observations on other species
MEPS 125:13-19 | Full text in pdf format
Munk P, Larsson PO, Danielsen D, Moksness E
Larval and small juvenile cod Gadus morhua concentrated in the highly productive areas of a shelf break front
MEPS 125:21-30 | Full text in pdf format
Syms C
Multi-scale analysis of habitat association in a guild of blennioid fishes
MEPS 125:31-43 | Full text in pdf format
Breitburg DL, Palmer MA, Loher T
Larval distributions and the spatial patterns of settlement of an oyster reef fish:responses to flow and structure
MEPS 125:45-60 | Full text in pdf format
Beukers JS, Jones GP, Buckley RM
Use of implant microtags for studies on populations of small reef fish
MEPS 125:61-66 | Full text in pdf format
Jones MB, Epifanio CE
Settlement of brachyuran megalopae in Delaware Bay:an analysis of time series data
MEPS 125:67-76 | Full text in pdf format
Thistle D, Weatherly GL, Wonnacott A, Ertman SC
Suspension by winter storms has an energetic cost for adult male benthic harpacticoid copepods at a shelf site
MEPS 125:77-86 | Full text in pdf format
Brey T
Temperature and reproductive metabolism in macrobenthic populations
MEPS 125:87-93 | Full text in pdf format
Navarro JM, Thompson RJ
Seasonal fluctuations in the size spectra, biochemical composition and nutritive value of the seston available to a suspension-feeding bivalve in a subarctic environment
MEPS 125:95-106 | Full text in pdf format
Josefson AB, Jensen JN, Nielsen TG, Rasmussen B
Growth parameters of a benthic suspension feeder along a depth gradient across the pycnocline in the southern Kattegat, Denmark
MEPS 125:107-115 | Full text in pdf format
Beukema JJ, Flach EC
Factors controlling the upper and lower limits of the intertidal distribution of two Corophium species in the Wadden Sea
MEPS 125:117-126 | Full text in pdf format
Soto M, Kortabitarte M, Marigómez I
Bioavailable heavy metals in estuarine waters as assessed by metal/shell-weight indices in sentinel mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis
MEPS 125:127-136 | Full text in pdf format
Tokeshi M
Polychaete abundance and dispersion patterns in mussel beds:a non-trivial 'infaunal' assemblage on a Pacific South American rocky shore
MEPS 125:137-147 | Full text in pdf format
Nielsen AM, Eriksen NT, Iversen JJL, Riisgård HU
Feeding, growth and respiration in the polychaetes Nereis diversicolor (facultative filter-feeder) and N. virens (omnivorous)-a comparative study
MEPS 125:149-158 | Full text in pdf format
Lindsay SM, Woodin SA
Tissue loss induces switching of feeding mode in spionid polychaetes
MEPS 125:159-169 | Full text in pdf format
Soetaert K, Heip C
Nematode assemblages of deep-sea and shelf break sites in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea
MEPS 125:171-183 | Full text in pdf format
Black K, Moran P, Burrage D, De'ath G
Association of low-frequency currents and crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks
MEPS 125:185-194 | Full text in pdf format
Fabricius KE, Klumpp DW
Widespread mixotrophy in reef-inhabiting soft corals:the influence of depth, and colony expansion and contraction on photosynthesis
MEPS 125:195-204 | Full text in pdf format
Everett RA, Ruiz GM, Carlton JT
Effect of oyster mariculture on submerged aquatic vegetation:an experimental test in a Pacific Northwest estuary
MEPS 125:205-217 | Full text in pdf format
Einav R, Breckle S, Beer S
Ecophysiological adaptation strategies of some intertidal marine macroalgae of the Israeli Mediterranean coast
MEPS 125:219-228 | Full text in pdf format
Beach KS, Smith CM, Michael T, Shin HW
Photosynthesis in reproductive unicells of Ulva fasciata and Enteromorpha flexuosa:implications for ecological success
MEPS 125:229-237 | Full text in pdf format
Nielsen TG, Hansen B
Plankton community structure and carbon cycling on the western coast of Greenland during and after the sedimentation of a diatom bloom
MEPS 125:239-257 | Full text in pdf format
Neuer S, Cowles TJ
Comparative cell-specific grazing rates in field populations of ciliates and dinoflagellates
MEPS 125:259-267 | Full text in pdf format
Nakamura Y, Suzuki S, Hiromi J
Population dynamics of heterotrophic dinoflagellates during a Gymnodinium mikimotoi red tide in the Seto Inland Sea
MEPS 125:269-277 | Full text in pdf format
Barlow RG, Mantoura RFC, Peinert RD, Miller AEJ, Fileman TW
Distribution, sedimentation and fate of pigment biomarkers following thermal stratification in the western Alboran Sea
MEPS 125:279-291 | Full text in pdf format
Kruse B, Rasmussen B
Occurrence and effects of a spring oxygen minimum layer in a stratified coastal water
MEPS 125:293-303 | Full text in pdf format
Ferrari GM, Mingazzini M
Synchronous fluorescence spectra of dissolved organic matter (DOM) of algal origin in marine coastal waters
MEPS 125:305-315 | Full text in pdf format