Inter-Research > MEPS > v127 > p301-304  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 127:301-304 (1995)  -  doi:10.3354/meps127301

Diel vertical migration behaviour of Calanus hyperboreus at temperate latitudes

Hays GC

Samples historically collected and analysed by the Continuous Plankton Recorder survey in the North Atlantic and adjacent seas were used to examine temporal patterns in the near-surface abundance of copepodite stages V and VI Calanus hyperboreus (n = a total of 32836 samples; mean latitude of samples = 54* N, SD = 6.7*). The occurrence of CV and VI C. hyperboreus was largely restricted to samples collected in April, May and June. During this period there was a diel cycle in near-surface abundance which was consistent with a normal pattern of diel vertical migration. For example, CV-VI C. hyperboreus were 1.9 times more abundant at night than during the day, a difference which was highly significant (t-test, t5072 = 3.9, p < 0.001). The ratio of night:day abundance was similar in CV-VI C. finmarchicus (night:day abundance = 1.4), but markedly higher in CV-VI Metridia lucens (night:day abundance = 12.3) and CV-VI M. longa (night:day abundance = 15.0).

Calanus hyperboreus . Diel vertical migration . Atlantic . Arctic . Continuous Plankton Recorder . CPR

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