Inter-Research > MEPS > v128 > p43-50  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 128:43-50 (1995)  -  doi:10.3354/meps128043

Spatial structure and ecological variation of meroplankton on the French-Belgian coast of the North Sea

Belgrano A, Legendre P, Dewarumez JM, Frontier S

The spatial pattern of specific populations or communities plays an important role in ecological theories such as species diversity, community succession and stability. A method based on canonical correspondence ordination (CCA) and constrained ordination was used to partition the variation observed in the species abundance data matrix into 4 independent components: spatial, environmental, spatial + environmental, undetermined. Mantel and partial Mantel test results were in accordance with CCA results.

North Sea . Meroplankton . Community structure . Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) . Constrained ordination. Monte Carlo permutation test . Mantel statistics

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