Inter-Research > MEPS > v131 > p301-305  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 131:301-305 (1996)  -  doi:10.3354/meps131301

Occurrence of an algal bloom under Arctic pack ice

Gradinger R

Summer melting of sea ice leads to the formation of under-ice melt ponds in Arctic seas. The biological characteristics of such a pond were studied in summer 1993. The chlorophyte Pyramimonas sp. (Prasinophyceae) formed a unialgal bloom with cell densities of 19.1 x 103 cells ml-1 and a pigment concentration of 29.6 mg m-3. A comparison with ice core data revealed differences in algal biomass and community structure. Physical data indicate that under-ice ponds are a common feature in the Arctic Ocean. Thus, communities within under-ice ponds, which have not been included in production estimates, may significantly contribute to the Arctic marine food web.

Arctic . Sea ice biota . Phytoplankton . Chlorophyll . Under-ice pond . Pyramimonas

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