Caffrey JM, Cloern JE, Grenz C
Changes in production and respiration during a spring phytoplankton bloom in San Francisco Bay, California, USA:implications for net ecosystem metabolism
MEPS 172:1-12 | Full text in pdf format
Tuominen L, Heinänen A, Kuparinen J, Nielsen LP
Spatial and temporal variability of denitrification in the sediments of the northern Baltic Proper
MEPS 172:13-24 | Full text in pdf format
Olsgard F, Somerfield PJ, Carr MR
Relationships between taxonomic resolution, macrobenthic community patterns and disturbance
MEPS 172:25-36 | Full text in pdf format
Taylor RB
Density, biomass and productivity of animals in four subtidal rocky reef habitats:the importance of small mobile invertebrates
MEPS 172:37-51 | Full text in pdf format
Aronson RB
Decadal-scale persistence of predation potential in coral reef communities
MEPS 172:53-60 | Full text in pdf format
Kaehler S, Williams GA
Early development of algal assemblages under different regimes of physical and biotic factors on a seasonal tropical rocky shore
MEPS 172:61-71 | Full text in pdf format
Li MS, Lee SY
Carbon dynamics of Deep Bay, eastern Pearl River Estuary, China. I:A mass balance budget and implications for shorebird conservation
MEPS 172:73-87 | Full text in pdf format
Macy WK, Sutherland SJ, Durbin EG
Effects of zooplankton size and concentration and light intensity on the feeding behavior of Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus
MEPS 172:89-100 | Full text in pdf format
Planque B, Fox CJ
Interannual variability in temperature and the recruitment of Irish Sea cod
MEPS 172:101-105 | Full text in pdf format
Kiflawi M, Mazeroll AI, Goulet D
Does mass spawning enhance fertilization in coral reef fish? A case study of the brown surgeonfish
MEPS 172:107-114 | Full text in pdf format
Steele MA, Forrester GE, Almany GR
Influences of predators and conspecifics on recruitment of a tropical and a temperate reef fish
MEPS 172:115-125 | Full text in pdf format
Irigoien X, Head R, Klenke U, Meyer-Harms B, Harbour D, Niehoff B, Hirche HJ, Harris R
A high frequency time series at weathership M, Norwegian Sea, during the 1997 spring bloom: feeding of adult female Calanus finmarchicus
MEPS 172:127-137 | Full text in pdf format
Buskey EJ
Energetic cost of position-holding behavior in the planktonic mysid Mysidium columbiae
MEPS 172:139-147 | Full text in pdf format
Båmstedt U, Karlson K
Euphausiid predation on copepods in coastal waters of the Northeast Atlantic
MEPS 172:149-168 | Full text in pdf format
Olive PJW, Rees SW, Djunaedi A
Influence of photoperiod and temperature on oocyte growth in the semelparous polychaete Nereis (Neanthes) virens
MEPS 172:169-183 | Full text in pdf format
Nestlerode JA, Diaz RJ
Effects of periodic environmental hypoxia on predation of a tethered polychaete, Glycera americana:implications for trophic dynamics
MEPS 172:185-195 | Full text in pdf format
Young EF, Bigg GR, Grant A, Walker P, Brown J
A modelling study of environmental influences on bivalve settlement in The Wash, England
MEPS 172:197-214 | Full text in pdf format
Son MH, Hong SY
Reproduction of Littorina brevicula in Korean waters
MEPS 172:215-223 | Full text in pdf format
Wallace WG, Lopez GR, Levinton JS
Cadmium resistance in an oligochaete and its effect on cadmium trophic transfer to an omnivorous shrimp
MEPS 172:225-237 | Full text in pdf format
López S, Turon X, Montero E, Palacín C, Duarte CM, Tarjuelo I
Larval abundance, recruitment and early mortality in Paracentrotus lividus (Echinoidea). Interannual variability and plankton-benthos coupling
MEPS 172:239-251 | Full text in pdf format
Pitcher GC, Boyd AJ, Horstman DA, Mitchell-Innes BA
Subsurface dinoflagellate populations, frontal blooms and the formation of red tide in the southern Benguela upwelling system
MEPS 172:253-264 | Full text in pdf format
Ferrier-Pagès C, Gattuso JP, Cauwet G, Jaubert J, Allemand D
Release of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen by the zooxanthellate coral Galaxea fascicularis
MEPS 172:265-274 | Full text in pdf format
Jousson O, Pawlowski J, Zaninetti L, Meinesz A, Boudouresque CF
Molecular evidence for the aquarium origin of the green alga Caulerpa taxifolia introduced to the Mediterranean Sea
MEPS 172:275-280 | Full text in pdf format
Capone DG, Subramaniam A, Montoya JP, Voss M, Humborg C, Johansen AM, Siefert RL, Carpenter EJ
An extensive bloom of the N2-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum in the central Arabian Sea
MEPS 172:281-292 | Full text in pdf format
Peters F, Marrasé C, Gasol JM, Sala MM, Arin L
Effects of turbulence on bacterial growth mediated through food web interactions
MEPS 172:293-303 | Full text in pdf format
Jónasdóttir SH, Kiørboe T, Tang KW, St. John M, Visser AW, Saiz E, Dam HG
Role of diatoms in copepod production:good, harmless or toxic?
MEPS 172:305-308 | | Full text in pdf format