Inter-Research > MEPS > v192 > p305-313  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 192:305-313 (2000)  -  doi:10.3354/meps192305

The peer-review system: time for re-assessment?

Idea and coordination: Hans Ulrik Riisgård*

Research Centre for Aquatic Biology (Odense University), Hindsholmvej 11, 5300 Kerteminde, Denmark
Contributors: Gerry Quinn, Everett Fee, Poul Scheel Larsen, Sandra E. Shumway, Josep-Maria Gili, Thomas Kiørboe, Lars Hagerman, Peter Beninger, Alan Tessier, Carlos Duarte, John Raven, Jack J. Middelburg, Michael Lesser, Antoine Grémare, Jon Cole, Ole Naesbye Larsen, Jan J. Beukema, Karsten Reise, Don Canfield, Otto Kinne

ABSTRACT: Referees are the backbone of quality control. They need more recognition for their work. In an open exchange of opinions among a number of leading editors and experienced reviewers one suggestion has wide support: It should no longer be 'free' to submit a manuscript to a scientific journal. While cash payment for reviews is not considered a good idea, a 'payback in kind' system is favored: i.e., if you want to submit papers to a journal you must be willing to review for that journal.

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