Ammerman JW, Glover WB
Continuous underway measurement of microbial ectoenzyme activities in aquatic ecosystems
MEPS 201:1-12 | Full article in pdf format
Kuipers B, van Noort GJ, Vosjan J, Herndl GJ
Diel periodicity of bacterioplankton in the euphotic zone of the subtropical Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 201:13-25 | Full article in pdf format
Landry MR, Ondrusek ME, Tanner SJ, Brown SL, Constantinou J, Bidigare RR, Coale KH, Fitzwater S
Biological response to iron fertilization in the eastern equatorial Pacific (IronEx II). I. Microplankton community abundances and biomass
MEPS 201:27-42 | Full article in pdf format
Rollwagen Bollens GC, Landry MR
Biological response to iron fertilization in the eastern equatorial Pacific (IronEx II). II. Mesozooplankton abundance, biomass, depth distribution and grazing
MEPS 201:43-56 | Full article in pdf format
Landry MR, Constantinou J, Latasa M, Brown SL, Bidigare RR, Ondrusek ME
Biological response to iron fertilization in the eastern equatorial Pacific (IronEx II). III. Dynamics of phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing
MEPS 201:57-72 | Full article in pdf format
Reigstad M, Wassmann P, Ratkova T, Arashkevich E, Pasternak A, Øygarden S
Comparison of the springtime vertical export of biogenic matter in three northern Norwegian fjords
MEPS 201:73-89 | Full article in pdf format
Stuart V, Sathyendranath S, Head EJH, Platt T, Irwin B, Maass H
Bio-optical characteristics of diatom and prymnesiophyte populations in the Labrador Sea
MEPS 201:91-106 | Full article in pdf format
Sciandra A, Lazzara L, Claustre H, Babin M
Responses of growth rate, pigment composition and optical properties of Cryptomonas sp. to light and nitrogen stresses
MEPS 201:107-120 | Full article in pdf format
Jakobsen HH, Hansen PJ, Larsen J
Growth and grazing responses of two chloroplast-retaining dinoflagellates: effect of irradiance and prey species
MEPS 201:121-128 | Full article in pdf format
Skovgaard A, Hansen PJ, Stoecker DK
Physiology of the mixotrophic dinoflagellate Fragilidium subglobosum. I. Effects of phagotrophy and irradiance on photosynthesis and carbon content
MEPS 201:129-136 | Full article in pdf format
Hansen PJ, Skovgaard A, Glud RN, Stoecker DK
Physiology of the mixotrophic dinoflagellate Fragilidium subglobosum. II. Effects of time scale and prey concentration on photosyntheticperformance
MEPS 201:137-146 | Full article in pdf format
Lawrence JE, Grant J, Quilliam MA, Bauder AG, Cembella AD
Colonization and growth of the toxic dinoflagellate Prorocentrum lima and associated fouling macroalgae on mussels in suspended culture
MEPS 201:147-154 | Full article in pdf format
Maneiro I, Frangópulos M, Guisande C, Fernández M, Reguera B, Riveiro I
Zooplankton as a potential vector of diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins through the food web
MEPS 201:155-163 | Full article in pdf format
Huntley ME, González A, Zhu Y, Zhou M, Irigoien X
Zooplankton dynamics in a mesoscale eddy-jet system off California
MEPS 201:165-178 | Full article in pdf format
Dai CF, Fan TY, Yu JK
Reproductive isolation and genetic differentiation of a scleractinian coral Mycedium elephantotus
MEPS 201:179-187 | Full article in pdf format
Chisholm JRM, Marchioretti M, Jaubert JM
Effect of low water temperature on metabolism and growth of a subtropical strain of Caulerpa taxifolia (Chlorophyta)
MEPS 201:189-198 | Full article in pdf format
Eckrich CE, Holmquist JG
Trampling in a seagrass assemblage: direct effects, response of associated fauna, and the role of substrate characteristics
MEPS 201:199-209 | Full article in pdf format
McQuaid CD, Phillips TE
Limited wind-driven dispersal of intertidal mussel larvae: in situ evidence from the plankton and the spread of the invasive species Mytilus galloprovincialis in South Africa
MEPS 201:211-220 | Full article in pdf format
Barroso CM, Moreira MH, Gibbs PE
Comparison of imposex and intersex development in four prosobranch species for TBT monitoring of a southern European estuarine system (Ria de Aveiro, NW Portugal)
MEPS 201:221-232 | Full article in pdf format
Kihslinger RL, Woodin SA
Food patches and a surface deposit feeding spionid polychaete
MEPS 201:233-239 | Full article in pdf format
Kang HK, Poulet SA
Reproductive success in Calanus helgolandicus as a function of diet and egg cannibalism
MEPS 201:241-250 | Full article in pdf format
Zupo V
Effect of microalgal food on the sex reversal of Hippolyte inermis (Crustacea: Decapoda)
MEPS 201:251-259 | Full article in pdf format
Sabatés A, Saiz E
Intra- and interspecific variability in prey size and niche breadth of myctophiform fish larvae
MEPS 201:261-271 | Full article in pdf format
Gillanders BM, Kingsford MJ
Elemental fingerprints of otoliths of fish may distinguish estuarine 'nursery' habitats
MEPS 201:273-286 | Full article in pdf format
Meng L, Gray C, Taplin B, Kupcha E
Using winter flounder growth rates to assess habitat quality in Rhode Island's coastal lagoons
MEPS 201:287-299 | Full article in pdf format
Larsen JK, Guillemette M
Influence of annual variation in food supply on abundance of wintering common eiders Somateria mollissima
MEPS 201:301-309 | Full article in pdf format