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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 227 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 227 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2002 Inter-Research
Published February 13

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Bartholomew A
Total cover and cover quality: predicted and actual effects on a predator's foraging success
MEPS 227:1-9 | Full text in pdf format

Harcourt RG, Bradshaw CJA, Dickson K, Davis LS
Foraging ecology of a generalist predator, the female New Zealand fur seal
MEPS 227:11-24 | Full text in pdf format

Chabot D, Stenson GB
Growth and seasonal fluctuations in size and condition of male Northwest Atlantic harp seals Phoca groenlandica: an analysis using sequential growth curves
MEPS 227:25-42 | Full text in pdf format

Simeone A, Araya B, Bernal M, Diebold EN, Grzybowski K, Michaels M, Teare JA, Wallace RS, Willis MJ
Oceanographic and climatic factors influencing breeding and colony attendance patterns of Humboldt penguins Spheniscus humboldti in central Chile
MEPS 227:43-50 | Full text in pdf format

Bost CA, Zorn T, Le Maho Y, Duhamel G
Feeding of diving predators and diel vertical migration of prey: King penguin diet versus trawl sampling at Kerguelen Islands
MEPS 227:51-61 | Full text in pdf format

Houghton JDR, Broderick AC, Godley BJ, Metcalfe JD, Hays GC
Diving behaviour during the internesting interval for loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta nesting in Cyprus
MEPS 227:63-70 | Full text in pdf format

Kirsch KD, Valentine JF, Heck KL Jr
Parrotfish grazing on turtlegrass Thalassia testudinum: evidence for the importance of seagrass consumption in food web dynamics of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
MEPS 227:71-85 | Full text in pdf format

Acosta CA, Robertson DN
Diversity in coral reef fish communities: the effects of habitat patchiness revisited
MEPS 227:87-96 | Full text in pdf format

Olsen RB, Richardson K, Simonsen V
Population differentiation of eelpout Zoarces viviparus in a Danish fjord
MEPS 227:97-107 | Full text in pdf format

Link JS, Garrison LP
Trophic ecology of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua on the northeast US continental shelf
MEPS 227:109-123 | Full text in pdf format

Karakassis I, Tsapakis M, Smith CJ, Rumohr H
Fish farming impacts in the Mediterranean studied through sediment profiling imagery
MEPS 227:125-133 | Full text in pdf format

Lohrer AM, Whitlatch RB
Relative impacts of two exotic brachyuran species on blue mussel populations in Long Island Sound
MEPS 227:135-144 | Full text in pdf format

Hsieh HL, Chen CP, Chen YG, Yang HH
Diversity of benthic organic matter flows through polychaetes and crabs in a mangrove estuary: δ13C and δ34S signals
MEPS 227:145-155 | Full text in pdf format

Nishida S, Ohtsuka S, Parker AR
Functional morphology and food habits of deep-sea copepods of the genus Cephalophanes (Calanoida: Phaennidae): perception of bioluminescence as a strategy for food detection
MEPS 227:157-171 | Full text in pdf format

Fields DM, Shaeffer DS, Weissburg MJ
Mechanical and neural responses from the mechanosensory hairs on the antennule of Gaussia princeps
MEPS 227:173-186 | Full text in pdf format

Falk-Petersen S, Dahl TM, Scott CL, Sargent JR, Gulliksen B, Kwasniewski S, Hop H, Millar RM
Lipid biomarkers and trophic linkages between ctenophores and copepods in Svalbard waters
MEPS 227:187-194 | Full text in pdf format

Wilding CS, Grahame J, Mill PJ
A GTT microsatellite repeat motif and differentiation between morphological forms of Littorina saxatilis: speciation in progress?
MEPS 227:195-204 | Full text in pdf format

Edvardsen A, Zhou M, Tande KS, Zhu Y
Zooplankton population dynamics: measuring in situ growth and mortality rates using an Optical Plankton Counter
MEPS 227:205-219 | Full text in pdf format

Diekmann OE, Bak RPM, Tonk L, Stam WT, Olsen JL
No habitat correlation of zooxanthellae in the coral genus Madracis on a Curaçao reef
MEPS 227:221-232 | Full text in pdf format

Meesters EH, Nieuwland G, Duineveld GCA, Kok A, Bak RPM
RNA/DNA ratios of scleractinian corals suggest acclimatisation/adaptation in relation to light gradients and turbidity regimes
MEPS 227:233-239 | Full text in pdf format

Mendes JM, Woodley JD
Timing of reproduction in Montastraea annularis: relationship to environmental variables
MEPS 227:241-251 | Full text in pdf format

Short FT, Davis RC, Kopp BS, Short CA, Burdick DM
Site-selection model for optimal transplantation of eelgrass Zostera marina in the northeastern US
MEPS 227:253-267 | Full text in pdf format

Raniello R, Procaccini G
Ancient DNA in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica
MEPS 227:269-273 | Full text in pdf format

Van Mooy BAS, Keil RG
Seasonal variation in sedimentary amino acids and the association of organic matter with mineral surfaces in a sandy eelgrass meadow
MEPS 227:275-280 | Full text in pdf format

Park MG, Cooney SK, Yih W, Coats DW
Effects of two strains of the parasitic dinoflagellate Amoebophrya on growth, photosynthesis, light absorption, and quantum yield of bloom-forming dinoflagellates
MEPS 227:281-292 | Full text in pdf format

Tanner JE
Consequences of density-dependent heterotrophic feeding for a partial autotroph
MEPS 227:293-304 | Full text in pdf format


Paffenhöfer GA
An assessment of the effects of diatoms on planktonic copepods
MEPS 227:305-310 | Full text in pdf format