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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 245 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 245 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2002 Inter-Research
Published December 18

All abstracts and full article pdfs in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.


Springer JJ, Shumway SE, Burkholder JAM, Glasgow HB
Interactions between the toxic estuarine dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida and two species of bivalve molluscs
MEPS 245:1-10 | Full text in pdf format

Annis ER, Cook CB
Alkaline phosphatase activity in symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae) as a biological indicator of environmental phosphate exposure
MEPS 245:11-20 | Full text in pdf format

Wolfstein K, de Brouwer JFC, Stal LJ
Biochemical partitioning of photosynthetically fixed carbon by benthic diatoms during short-term incubations at different irradiances
MEPS 245:21-31 | Full text in pdf format

Pohnert G, Lumineau O, Cueff A, Adolph S, Cordevant C, Lange M, Poulet S
Are volatile unsaturated aldehydes from diatoms the main line of chemical defence against copepods?
MEPS 245:33-45 | Full text in pdf format

Hagerthey SE, Defew EC, Paterson DM
Influence of Corophium volutator and Hydrobia ulvae on intertidal benthic diatom assemblages under different nutrient and temperature regimes
MEPS 245:47-59 | Full text in pdf format

Yamamoto H, Fujikura K, Hiraishi A, Kato K, Maki Y
Phylogenetic characterization and biomass estimation of bacterial endosymbionts associated with invertebrates dwelling in chemosynthetic communities of hydrothermal vent and cold seep fields
MEPS 245:61-67 | Full text in pdf format

Gooday AJ, Pond DW, Bowser SS
Ecology and nutrition of the large agglutinated foraminiferan Bathysiphon capillare in the bathyal NE Atlantic: distribution within the sediment profile and lipid biomarker composition
MEPS 245:69-82 | Full text in pdf format

Irving AD, Connell SD
Sedimentation and light penetration interact to maintain heterogeneity of subtidal habitats: algal versus invertebrate dominated assemblages
MEPS 245:83-91 | Full text in pdf format

Ferrier-Pagès C, Boisson F, Allemand D, Tambutté E
Kinetics of strontium uptake in the scleractinian coral Stylophora pistillata
MEPS 245:93-100 | Full text in pdf format

Wolcott BD, Gaylord B
Flow-induced energetic bounds to growth in an intertidal sea anemone
MEPS 245:101-109 | Full text in pdf format

Yin K
Monsoonal influence on seasonal variations in nutrients and phytoplankton biomass in coastal waters of Hong Kong in the vicinity of the Pearl River estuary
MEPS 245:111-122 | Full text in pdf format

Rivadeneira MM, Fernández M, Navarrete SA
Latitudinal trends of species diversity in rocky intertidal herbivore assemblages: spatial scale and the relationship between local and regional species richness
MEPS 245:123-131 | Full text in pdf format

Beaumont KL, Nash GV, Davidson AT
Ultrastructure, morphology and flux of microzooplankton faecal pellets in an east Antarctic fjord
MEPS 245:133-148 | Full text in pdf format

Osovitz CJ, Julian D
Burrow irrigation behavior of Urechis caupo, a filter-feeding marine invertebrate, in its natural habitat
MEPS 245:149-155 | Full text in pdf format

Bierne N, David P, Langlade A, Bonhomme F
Can habitat specialisation maintain a mosaic hybrid zone in marine bivalves?
MEPS 245:157-170 | Full text in pdf format

Aikins S, Kikuchi E
Grazing pressure by amphipods on microalgae in Gamo Lagoon, Japan
MEPS 245:171-179 | Full text in pdf format

Fernández M, Pardo LM, Baeza JA
Patterns of oxygen supply in embryo masses of brachyuran crabs throughout development: the effect of oxygen availability and chemical cues in determining female brooding behavior
MEPS 245:181-190 | Full text in pdf format

Nagelkerken I, van der Velde G
Do non-estuarine mangroves harbour higher densities of juvenile fish than adjacent shallow-water and coral reef habitats in Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles)?
MEPS 245:191-204 | Full text in pdf format

Booth DJ, Beretta GA
Changes in a fish assemblage after a coral bleaching event
MEPS 245:205-212 | Full text in pdf format

Tzeng WN, Shiao JC, Iizuka Y
Use of otolith Sr:Ca ratios to study the riverine migratory behaviors of Japanese eel Anguilla japonica
MEPS 245:213-221 | Full text in pdf format

Ley JA, Halliday IA, Tobin AJ, Garrett RN, Gribble NA
Ecosystem effects of fishing closures in mangrove estuaries of tropical Australia
MEPS 245:223-238 | Full text in pdf format

Daunt F, Benvenuti S, Harris MP, Dall'Antonia L, Elston DA, Wanless S
Foraging strategies of the black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla at a North Sea colony: evidence for a maximum foraging range
MEPS 245:239-247 | Full text in pdf format

León YL, Bjorndal KA
Selective feeding in the hawksbill turtle, an important predator in coral reef ecosystems
MEPS 245:249-258 | Full text in pdf format

Davoren GK, Montevecchi WA, Anderson JT
Scale-dependent associations of predators and prey: constraints imposed by flightlessness of common murres
MEPS 245:259-272 | Full text in pdf format

Thrush SF, Schultz D, Hewitt JE, Talley D
Habitat structure in soft-sediment environments and abundance of juvenile snapper Pagrus auratus
MEPS 245:273-280 | Full text in pdf format

Lea MA, Cherel Y, Guinet C, Nichols PD
Antarctic fur seals foraging in the Polar Frontal Zone: inter-annual shifts in diet as shown from fecal and fatty acid analyses
MEPS 245:281-297 | Full text in pdf format


Hatase H, Goto K, Sato K, Bando T, Matsuzawa Y, Sakamoto W
Using annual body size fluctuations to explore potential causes for the decline in a nesting population of the loggerhead turtle Caretta caretta at Senri Beach, Japan
MEPS 245:299-304 | Full text in pdf format


Peters F
Overcoming linearisation errors in calculating bacterial growth rates
MEPS 245:305-308 | Full text in pdf format


Kirchman DL
Reply to Peters (2002) Overcoming linearisation errors in calculating bacterial growth rates
MEPS 245:309-310 | Full text in pdf format