Inter-Research > MEPS > v26  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 26 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 1985 Inter-Research.

All full articles in this issue are available to all users, compliments of Inter-Research.
Hewitt, R. P., Theilacker, G. H., Lo, N. C. H.
Causes of mortality in young jack mackerel
MEPS 26:1-10 | Full text in pdf format

Wassef, E., Ezzat, A., Hashem, T., Faltas, S.
Sardine fishery by purse-seine on the Egyptian Mediterranean coast
MEPS 26:11-18 | Full text in pdf format

Gamble, J. C, MacLachlan, P., Seaton, D. D.
Comparative growth and development of autumn and spring spawned Atlantic herring larvae reared in large enclosed ecosystems
MEPS 26:19-33 | Full text in pdf format

Donaghay, P. L., Klos, E.
Physical, chemical and biological responses to simulated wind and tidal mixing in experimental marine ecosystems
MEPS 26:35-45 | Full text in pdf format

Kamykowski, D., Zentara, S.-J.
Nitrate and silicic acid in the world ocean: patterns and processes
MEPS 26:47-59 | Full text in pdf format

Hodgson, G.
Abundance and distribution of planktonic coral larvae in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii
MEPS 26:61-71 | Full text in pdf format

Tegner, M. J., Butler, R. A.
Drift-tube study of the dispersal potential of green abalone (Haliotis fulgens) larvae in the southern California Bight: implications for recovery of depleted populations
MEPS 26:73-84 | Full text in pdf format

Kiørboe, T., Møhlenberg, F., Hamburger, K.
Bioenergetics of the planktonic copepod Acartia tonsa: relation between feeding, egg production and respiration, and composition of specific dynamic action
MEPS 26:85-97 | Full text in pdf format

Harding, L. W. Jr., Meeson, B. W., Fisher, T. R. Jr.
Photosynthesis patterns in Chesapeake Bay phytoplankton: short- and long-term responses of P-l curve parameters to light
MEPS 26:99-111 | Full text in pdf format

Neale, P. J., Marra, J.
Short-term variation of Pmax under natural irradiance conditions: a model and its implications
MEPS 26:113-124 | Full text in pdf format

Gallegos, C. L., Piatt, T.
Vertical advection of phytoplankton and productivity estimates: a dimensional analysis
MEPS 26:125-134 | Full text in pdf format

Cohen, R. R. H.
Physical processes and the ecology of a winter dinoflagellate bloom of Katodinium rotundatum
MEPS 26:135-144 | Full text in pdf format

Vogt, N. B., Knutsen, H.
SIMCA pattern recognition classification of five infauna taxonomic groups using non-polar compounds analysed by high resolution gas chromatography
MEPS 26:145-156 | Full text in pdf format

Jones, R. D., Prahl, F. G.
Lipid composition of a marine ammonium oxidizer grown at 5 and 25 °C
MEPS 26:157-159 | Full text in pdf format

Gerlach, S. A., Hahn, A. E., Schrage, M.
Size spectra of benthic biomass and metabolism
MEPS 26:161-173 | Full text in pdf format

Jones, R. D., Morita, R. Y.
Survival of a marine ammonium oxidizer under energy-source deprivation
MEPS 26:175-179 | Full text in pdf format

Jacobi, C. C, Anger, K.
Effect of temperature on respiration of larval stages of Hyas araneus and H. coarctatus (Decapoda, Majidae)
MEPS 26:181-186 | Full text in pdf format

Button, D. K., Robertson, B. R.
Effect of toluene exposure time and concentration on induction of high affinity values for toluene oxidation by bacteria of estuarine seawater samples
MEPS 26:187-193 | Full text in pdf format

Ruzzante, D. E., Zaixso, H. E.
Settlement of Chlamys tehuelchus (D'Orb.) on artificial collectors. Seasonal changes in spat settlement
MEPS 26:195-197 | Full text in pdf format

Dalla Via, J.
Oxygen consumption and temperature change in the shrimp Palaemon elegans
MEPS 26:199-202 | Full text in pdf format

Kim, S.-J.
Effect of heavy metals on natural populations of bacteria from surface micro-layers and subsurface water
MEPS 26:203-206 | Full text in pdf format

Kelly, J. R., Berounsky, V. M., Nixon, S. W., Oviatt, C. A.
Benthic-pelagic coupling and nutrient cycling across an experimental eutrophication gradient
MEPS 26:207-219 | Full text in pdf format

Shaffer, G. P., Onuf, C. P.
Reducing the error in estimating annual production of benthic microflora: hourly to monthly rates, patchiness in space and time
MEPS 26:221-231 | Full text in pdf format

Richardson, K.
Plankton distribution and activity in the North Sea/Skagerrak-Kattegat frontal area in April 1984
MEPS 26:233-244 | Full text in pdf format

Li, W. K. W., Dickie, P. M.
Growth of bacteria in seawater filtered through 0.2 µm Nuclepore membranes. Implications for dilution experiments
MEPS 26:245-252 | Full text in pdf format

Macpherson, E.
Daily ration and feeding periodicity of some fishes off the coast of Namibia
MEPS 26:253-260 | Full text in pdf format

Jackson, G. A., James, D. E.. North, W. J.
Morphological relationships among fronds of giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera off La Jolla, California
MEPS 26:261-270 | Full text in pdf format

Wahl, M.
Metridium senile: dispersion and small scale colonization by the combined strategy of locomotion and asexual reproduction (laceration)
MEPS 26:271-277 | Full text in pdf format

Stoner, A. W.
Penicillus capitatus: an algal island for macrocrustaceans
MEPS 26:279-287 | Full text in pdf format

Commito, J. A., Ambrose, W. G. Jr.
Multiple trophic levels in soft-bottom communities
MEPS 26:289-293 | Full text in pdf format

Glynn, P. W.
El Nino-associated disturbance to coral reefs and post disturbance mortality by Acanthaster planci
MEPS 26:295-300 | Full text in pdf format

Veldhuis, M. J. W., Admiraal, W.
Transfer of photosynthetic products in gelatinous colonies of Phaeocystis pouchetii (Haptophyceae) and its effect on the measurement of excretion rate
MEPS 26:301-304 | Full text in pdf format

Moerland, T. S.
Cellulase activity in natural and temperature acclimated populations of Fundulus heteroclitus
MEPS 26:305-308 | Full text in pdf format<