Teixidó N, Garrabou J, Gutt J, Arntz WE
Recovery in Antarctic benthos after iceberg disturbance: trends in benthic composition, abundance and growth forms
MEPS 278:1-16 | Full text in pdf format
Sampei M, Sasaki H, Hattori H, Fukuchi M, Hargrave BT
Fate of sinking particles, especially fecal pellets, within the epipelagic zone in the North Water (NOW) polynya of northern Baffin Bay
MEPS 278:17-25 | Full text in pdf format
Guest MA, Connolly RM, Loneragan NR
Carbon movement and assimilation by invertebrates in estuarine habitats at a scale of metres
MEPS 278:27-34 | Full text in pdf format
Breed GA, Jackson GA, Richardson TL
Sedimentation, carbon export and food web structure in the Mississippi River plume described by inverse analysis
MEPS 278:35-51 | Full text in pdf format
Lenz M, Molis M, Wahl M
Testing the intermediate disturbance hypothesis: response of fouling communities to various levels of emersion intensity
MEPS 278:53-65 | Full text in pdf format
Sommer U, Hansen T, Stibor H, Vadstein O
Persistence of phytoplankton responses to different Si:N ratios under mesozooplankton grazing pressure: a mesocosm study with NE Atlantic plankton
MEPS 278:67-75 | Full text in pdf format
Bouillon S, Moens T, Overmeer I, Koedam N, Dehairs F
Resource utilization patterns of epifauna from mangrove forests with contrasting inputs of local versus imported organic matter
MEPS 278:77-88 | Full text in pdf format
Steen H
Interspecific competition between Enteromorpha (Ulvales: Chlorophyceae) and Fucus (Fucales: Phaeophyceae) germlings: effects of nutrient concentration, temperature, and settlement density
MEPS 278:89-101 | Full text in pdf format
Nugues MM, Delvoye L, Bak RPM
Coral defence against macroalgae: differential effects of mesenterial filaments on the green alga Halimeda opuntia
MEPS 278:103-114 | Full text in pdf format
Edmunds PJ, Bruno JF, Carlon DB
Effects of depth and microhabitat on growth and survivorship of juvenile corals in the Florida Keys
MEPS 278:115-124 | Full text in pdf format
Bolton TF, Graham WM
Morphological variation among populations of an invasive jellyfish
MEPS 278:125-139 | Full text in pdf format
Grange LJ, Tyler PA, Peck LS, Cornelius N
Long-term interannual cycles of the gametogenic ecology of the Antarctic brittle star Ophionotus victoriae
MEPS 278:141-155 | Full text in pdf format
Tuya F, Boyra A, Sanchez-Jerez P, Barbera C, Haroun RJ
Relationships between rocky-reef fish assemblages, the sea urchin Diadema antillarum and macroalgae throughout the Canarian Archipelago
MEPS 278:157-169 | Full text in pdf format
Le Gac M, Féral JP, Poulin E, Veyret M, Chenuil A
Identification of allopatric clades in the cosmopolitan ophiuroid species complex Amphipholis squamata (Echinodermata). The end of a paradox?
MEPS 278:171-178 | Full text in pdf format
Cummings VJ, Thrush SF
Behavioural response of juvenile bivalves to terrestrial sediment deposits: implications for post-disturbance recolonisation
MEPS 278:179-191 | Full text in pdf format
Auffrey LM, Robinson SMC, Barbeau MA
Effect of green macroalgal mats on burial depth of soft-shelled clams Mya arenaria
MEPS 278:193-203 | Full text in pdf format
Orvain F, Sauriau PG, Sygut A, Joassard L, Le Hir P
Interacting effects of Hydrobia ulvae bioturbation and microphytobenthos on the erodibility of mudflat sediments
MEPS 278:205-223 | Full text in pdf format
Jiang H, Paffenhöfer GA
Relation of behavior of copepod juveniles to potential predation by omnivorous copepods: an empirical-modeling study
MEPS 278:225-239 | Full text in pdf format
Noda T
Large-scale variability in recruitment of the barnacle Semibalanus cariosus: its cause and effects on the population density and predator
MEPS 278:241-252 | Full text in pdf format
Hobbs JPA, Munday PL
Intraspecific competition controls spatial distribution and social organisation of the coral-dwelling goby Gobiodon histrio
MEPS 278:253-259 | Full text in pdf format
Nielsen R, Munk P
Growth pattern and growth dependent mortality of larval and pelagic juvenile North Sea cod Gadus morhua
MEPS 278:261-270 | Full text in pdf format
Shiao JC, Hwang PP
Thyroid hormones are necessary for teleostean otolith growth
MEPS 278:271-278 | Full text in pdf format
Sassa C, Kawaguchi K
Larval feeding habits of Diaphus garmani and Myctophum asperum (Pisces: Myctophidae) in the transition region of the western North Pacific
MEPS 278:279-290 | Full text in pdf format
Gagliano M, McCormick MI
Feeding history influences otolith shape in tropical fish
MEPS 278:291-296 | Full text in pdf format
Takasuka A, Oozeki Y, Kimura R, Kubota H, Aoki I
Growth-selective predation hypothesis revisited for larval anchovy in offshore waters: cannibalism by juveniles versus predation by skipjack tunas
MEPS 278:297-302 | Full text in pdf format
Wilson RP, Zimmer I
Inspiration by Magellanic penguins: reduced swimming effort when under pressure
MEPS 278:303-307 | Full text in pdf format
Porter et al., Vol. 271:61-75 (2004)
MEPS 278:309 | Full text in pdf format