Inter-Research > MEPS > v284 > c_p65-75  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Correction to MEPS 284:65-75 (2004) - DOI:

Correction to MEPS 284:65-75 (2004) - DOI:

Relationships between frontal structures and zooplankton communities along a cross-shelf transect in the Bay of Biscay (1995 to 2003)

Aitor Albaina*, Xabier Irigoien

*Corresponding author:

May 30, 2023:

Simpson’s diversity index (S) was incorrectly interpreted in the paper.

This index, with values between 0 and 1, is usually transformed to D = 1 – S, but we did not apply that transformation. We applied directly S = Σ(n/N)2, where n = number of individuals of one species and N = total number of individuals summing all species. Therefore, for this index with values ranging between 0 and 1, a value of 1 denotes no diversity.

Given this, the highest values correspond to the lowest diversities; however, the Results section of the original version of the article expressed the opposite (i.e. that the higher values corresponded to the higher diversity). Importantly this means that, for the analyzed samples, the lowest diversity corresponded to the more oceanic samples (higher bottom depth) instead of the opposite.

In the original version, this only affected the text on p. 69: the sentence ‘Low diversity values are found at the shallower stations and in the mid-shelf while the highest diversity values correspond to oceanic stations.’ has now been corrected to ‘High diversity values are found at the shallower stations and in the mid-shelf while the lowest diversity values correspond to oceanic stations.’, where the corrections are highlighted in bold.

Finally, for ease of interpretation by the reader, the following text has been added to the end of the legend for Fig. 5 on p. 70: ‘Higher values for S mean lower diversity; value 1 denotes no diversity (S = Σ(n/N)2), where n = number of individuals of one species and N = total number of individuals summing all species)’.

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