Kawaguchi S, Candy SG, King R, Naganobu M, Nicol SModelling growth of Antarctic krill. I. Growth trends with sex, length, season, and region MEPS 306:1-15 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format Candy SG, Kawaguchi S Modelling growth of Antarctic krill. II. Novel approach to describing the growth trajectory MEPS 306:17-30 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Ainley DG, Hobson KA, Crosta X, Rau GH, Wassenaar LI, Augustinus PC
Holocene variation in the Antarctic coastal food web: linking ?D and ?13C in snow petrel diet and marine sediments
MEPS 306:31-40 | Full text in pdf format
Dethier MN, Schoch GC
Taxonomic sufficiency in distinguishing natural spatial patterns on an estuarine shoreline
MEPS 306:41-49 | Full text in pdf format
Hu Q, Davis C
Accurate automatic quantification of taxa-specific plankton abundance using dual classification with correction
MEPS 306:51-61 | Full text in pdf format
Henry LA, Kenchington ELR, Kenchington TJ, MacIsaac KG, Bourbonnais-Boyce C, Gordon DC Jr
Impacts of otter trawling on colonial epifaunal assemblages on a cobble bottom ecosystem on Western Bank (northwest Atlantic)
MEPS 306:63-78 | Full text in pdf format
Hewson I, Fuhrman JA
Spatial and vertical biogeography of coral reef sediment bacterial and diazotroph communities
MEPS 306:79-86 | Full text in pdf format
Paul NA, de Nys R, Steinberg PD
Chemical defence against bacteria in the red alga Asparagopsis armata: linking structure with function
MEPS 306:87-101 | Full text in pdf format
Rogers CS, Miller J
Permanent ‘phase shifts’ or reversible declines in coral cover? Lack of recovery of two coral reefs in St. John, US Virgin Islands
MEPS 306:103-114 | Full text in pdf format
Whitaker K
Genetic evidence for mixed modes of reproduction in the coral Pocillopora damicornis and its effect on population structure
MEPS 306:115-124 | Full text in pdf format
Tomas F, Álvarez-Cascos D, Turon X, Romero J
Differential element assimilation by sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus in seagrass beds: implications for trophic interactions
MEPS 306:125-131 | Full text in pdf format
Shearer TL, Coffroth MA
Genetic identification of Caribbean scleractinian coral recruits at the Flower Garden Banks and the Florida Keys
MEPS 306:133-142 | Full text in pdf format
Peperzak L
Modelling vegetative growth, gamete production and encystment of dinoflagellates in batch culture
MEPS 306:143-152 | Full text in pdf format
Bearon RN, Grünbaum D, Cattolico RA
Effects of salinity structure on swimming behavior and harmful algal bloom formation in Heterosigma akashiwo, a toxic raphidophyte
MEPS 306:153-163 | Full text in pdf format
Bischof K, Rautenberger R, Brey L, Pérez-Lloréns JL
Physiological acclimation to gradients of solar irradiance within mats of the filamentous green macroalga Chaetomorpha linum from southern Spain
MEPS 306:165-175 | Full text in pdf format
Orbea A, Garmendia L, Marigómez I, Cajaraville MP
Effects of the ‘Prestige’ oil spill on cellular biomarkers in intertidal mussels: results of the first year of studies
MEPS 306:177-189 | Full text in pdf format
Westerbom M, Jattu S
Effects of wave exposure on the sublittoral distribution of blue mussels Mytilus edulis in a heterogeneous archipelago
MEPS 306:191-200 | Full text in pdf format
Coleman RA, Hawkins SJ, Wood HL
Testing the reproductive benefits of aggregation: the limpet Patella vulgata shows no evidence of synchrony in gonad development
MEPS 306:201-207 | Full text in pdf format
Hart DR
Effects of sea stars and crabs on sea scallop Placopecten magellanicus recruitment in the Mid-Atlantic Bight (USA)
MEPS 306:209-221 | Full text in pdf format
Lindsey EL, Altieri AH, Witman JD
Influence of biogenic habitat on the recruitment and distribution of a subtidal xanthid crab
MEPS 306:223-231 | Full text in pdf format
Johnson MW, Heck KL Jr
Effects of habitat fragmentation per se on decapods and fishes inhabiting seagrass meadows in the northern Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 306:233-246 | Full text in pdf format
Hamilton SL, White JW, Caselle JE, Swearer SE, Warner RR
Consistent long-term spatial gradients in replenishment for an island population of a coral reef fish
MEPS 306:247-256 | Full text in pdf format
Verweij MC, Nagelkerken I, de Graaff D, Peeters M, Bakker EJ, van der Velde G
Structure, food and shade attract juvenile coral reef fish to mangrove and seagrass habitats: a field experiment
MEPS 306:257-268 | Full text in pdf format
Brown JA
Using the chemical composition of otoliths to evaluate the nursery role of estuaries for English sole Pleuronectes vetulus populations
MEPS 306:269-281 | Full text in pdf format
Jodice PGR, Roby DD, Suryan RM, Irons DB, Turco KR, Brown ED, Thedinga JF, Visser GH
Increased energy expenditure by a seabird in response to higher food abundance
MEPS 306:283-293 | Full text in pdf format
Taquet C, Taquet M, Dempster T, Soria M, Ciccione S, Roos D, Dagorn L
Foraging of the green sea turtle Chelonia mydas on seagrass beds at Mayotte Island (Indian Ocean), determined by acoustic transmitters
MEPS 306:295-302 | Full text in pdf format
Doucette GJ, Cembella AD, Martin JL, Michaud J, Cole TVN, Rolland RM
Paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins in North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis and their zooplankton prey in the Bay of Fundy, Canada
MEPS 306:303-313 | Full text in pdf format