Ruesink JLBiotic resistance and facilitation of a non-native oyster on rocky shores MEPS 331:1-9 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
Miller WD, Harding Jr LW
Climate forcing of the spring bloom in Chesapeake Bay
MEPS 331:11-22 | Full text in pdf format
Rosenberg R, Davey E, Gunnarsson J, Norling K, Frank M
Application of computer-aided tomography to visualize and quantify biogenic structures in marine sediments
MEPS 331:23-34 | Full text in pdf format
Hunt CD, Tanis D, Bruce E, Taylor M
Optical signatures of seawater and potential use for verification of mid-ocean ballast water exchange
MEPS 331:35-47 | Full text in pdf format
Moody RM, Aronson RB
Trophic heterogeneity in salt marshes of the northern Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 331:49-65 | Full text in pdf format
Olsen Y, Andersen T, Gismervik I, VadsteinO
Protozoan and metazoan zooplankton-mediated carbon flows in nutrient-enriched coastal planktonic communities
MEPS 331:67-83 | Full text in pdf format
D’Alessandro E, Sponaugle S, Lee T
Patterns and processes of larval fish supply to the coral reefs of the upper Florida Keys
MEPS 331:85-100 | Full text in pdf format
Price ARG, Keeling MJ, Stewart IN
A robustness metric integrating spatial and temporal information: application to coral reefs exposed to local and regional disturbances
MEPS 331:101-108 | Full text in pdf format
Walker JW
Effects of fine sediments on settlement and survival of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus in northeastern New Zealand
MEPS 331:109-118 | Full text in pdf format
Henriksen CI, Saiz E, Calbet A, Hansen BW
Feeding activity and swimming patterns of Acartia grani and Oithona davisae nauplii in the presence of motile and non-motile prey
MEPS 331:119-129 | Full text in pdf format
Thor P, Koski M, Tang KW, Jónasdóttir SH
Supplemental effects of diet mixing on absorption of ingested organic carbon in the marine copepod Acartia tonsa
MEPS 331:131-138 | Full text in pdf format
Langer G, Nehrke G, Jansen S
Dissolution of Calcidiscus leptoporus coccoliths in copepod guts? A morphological study
MEPS 331:139-146 | Full text in pdf format
Bricelj VM, MacQuarrie SP
Effects of brown tide (Aureococcus anophagefferens) on hard clam Mercenaria mercenaria larvae and implications for benthic recruitment
MEPS 331:147-159 | Full text in pdf format
Tarling GA, Cuzin-Roudy J, Thorpe SE, Shreeve RS, Ward P, Murphy EJ
Recruitment of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba in the South Georgia region: adult fecundity and the fate of larvae
MEPS 331:161-179 | Full text in pdf format
Sheader M, Van Dover CL
Temporal and spatial variation in the reproductive ecology of the vent-endemic amphipod Ventiella sulfuris in the eastern Pacific
MEPS 331:181-194 | Full text in pdf format
Karlson K
Diurnal bioturbating activities of Monoporeia affinis: effects on benthic oxygen and nutrient fluxes
MEPS 331:195-205 | Full text in pdf format
Bowlby HD, Hanson JM, Hutchings JA
Resident and dispersal behavior among individuals within a population of American lobster Homarus americanus
MEPS 331:207-218 | Full text in pdf format
Keenan SF, Benfield MC, Blackburn JK
Importance of the artificial light field around offshore petroleum platforms for the associated fish community
MEPS 331:219-231 | Full text in pdf format
Bang A, Grønkjær P, Folkvord A
Possible fitness costs of high and low standard metabolic rates in larval herring Clupea harengus, as determined by otolith microstructure
MEPS 331:233-242 | Full text in pdf format
Sarà G, Dean JM, D’Amato D, Buscaino G, Oliveri A, Genovese S, Ferro S, Buffa G, Martire ML, Mazzola S
Effect of boat noise on the behaviour of bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus in the Mediterranean Sea
MEPS 331:243-253 | Full text in pdf format
Erwin CA, Congdon BC
Day-to-day variation in sea-surface temperature reduces sooty tern Sterna fuscata foraging success on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
MEPS 331:255-266 | Full text in pdf format
Enstipp MR, Grémillet D, Jones DR
Investigating the functional link between prey abundance and seabird predatory performance
MEPS 331:267-279 | Full text in pdf format
Field IC, Bradshaw CJA, Burton HR, Hindell MA
Differential resource allocation strategies in juvenile elephant seals in the highly seasonal Southern Ocean
MEPS 331:281-290 | Full text in pdf format
Cusson M, Archambault P, Aitken A
Biodiversity of benthic assemblages on the Arctic continental shelf: historical data from Canada
MEPS 331:291-304 | Full text in pdf format
Durbin EG, Campbell RG
Reassessment of the gut pigment method for estimating in situ zooplankton ingestion
MEPS 331:305-307 | Full text in pdf format
Ropert-Coudert et al. Vol. 328:275-284, 2006
MEPS 331:309 | Full text in pdf format