Mathews T, Fisher NS, Jeffree RA, Teyssié JLAssimilation and retention of metals in teleost and elasmobranch fishes following dietary exposure MEPS 360:1-12 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
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Sakamaki T, Richardson JS
Effects of small rivers on chemical properties of sediment and diets for primary consumers in estuarine tidal flats
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Metcalf SJ, Dambacher JM, Hobday AJ, Lyle JM
Importance of trophic information, simplification and aggregation error in ecosystem models
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Schwarzschild AC, Zieman JC
Apical dominance and the importance of clonal integration to apical growth in the seagrass Syringodium filiforme
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Page HM, Reed DC, Brzezinski MA, Melack JM, Dugan JE
Assessing the importance of land and marine sources of organic matter to kelp forest food webs
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Connell SD, Russell BD, Turner DJ, Shepherd SA, Kildea T, Miller D, Airoldi L, Cheshire A
Recovering a lost baseline: missing kelp forests from a metropolitan coast
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Degerholm J, Gundersen K, Bergman B, Söderbäck E
Seasonal significance of N2 fixation in coastal and offshore waters of the northwestern Baltic Sea
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Mangubhai S, Harrison PL
Asynchronous coral spawning patterns on equatorial reefs in Kenya
MEPS 360:85-96 | Full text in pdf format | See Comment and Reply Comment on this article
De Caralt S, Uriz MJ, Wijffels RH
Grazing, differential size-class dynamics and survival of the Mediterranean sponge Corticium candelabrum
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Vonk JA, Pijnappels MHJ, Stapel J
In situ quantification of Tripneustes gratilla grazing and its effects on three co-occurring tropical seagrass species
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Wing SR, McLeod RJ, Clark KL, Frew RD
Plasticity in the diet of two echinoderm species across an ecotone: microbial recycling of forest litter and bottom-up forcing of population structure
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Doubleday ZA, Pecl GT, Semmens JM, Danyushevsky L
Using stylet elemental signatures to determine the population structure of Octopus maorum
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Population sinks in the Upper Florida Keys: the importance of demographic variation in population dynamics of the marine shrimp Stenopus hispidus
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Biochemically based modeling study of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba growth and development
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Euphausiid transport in the Western Arctic Ocean
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A simplified age-stage model for copepod population dynamics
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Circumpolar genetic population structure of capelin Mallotus villosus
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Behavior of individual mesopelagic fish in acoustic scattering layers of Norwegian fjords
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Multi-species regime shifts reflected in spawning temperature optima of small pelagic fish in the western North Pacific
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Size-dependent variation in the functional role of the parrotfish Scarus rivulatus on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia
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Evaluating quantitative fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) using harbour seals Phoca vitulina richardsi in captive feeding studies
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Spatial and temporal variation in the diet of Steller sea lions in the Kodiak Archipelago, 1999 to 2005
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Sea lion Otaria flavescens as host of the common vampire bat Desmodus rotundus
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Gray whales may increase feeding opportunities for avian benthivores
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Volumes 351 to 360 (2007-2008)
MEPS 360:297-310 | Full text in pdf format