Inter-Research > MEPS > v364 > p251-256  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 364:251-256 (2008)  -  DOI:

Contribution to the Theme Section ‘Implications of large-scale iron fertilization of the oceans’


Building relationships between scientists and business in ocean iron fertilization

Margaret Leinen*

Climos, 512 2nd Street, San Francisco, California 94107, USA

ABSTRACT: The potential use of ocean iron fertilization (OIF) as a tool for either carbon reduction projects like those used to generate carbon credits or offsets, or for larger-scale mitigation to remove a significant percentage of CO2 from the atmosphere has interested the private sector. Scientists have highlighted the additional research that must be completed to understand the efficacy and impact of OIF at either scale. Carbon markets also place requirements on the nature of the credits generated if they are to be trusted and valued. The challenge for the future is to find effective ways for the science, business and carbon market communities to collaborate in ways that adhere to the high standards of scientific research. A code of conduct that recognizes the needs for scientific excellence and transparency, carbon market quality controls, and regulatory requirements like permitting can facilitate collaboration.

KEY WORDS: Ocean iron fertilization · Carbon mitigation · Carbon markets

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Cite this article as: Leinen M (2008) Building relationships between scientists and business in ocean iron fertilization. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 364:251-256.

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