MEPS 388:i-ii | Full text in pdf format
Miller RJ, Reed DC, Brzezinski MACommunity structure and productivity of subtidal turf and foliose algal assemblages MEPS 388:1-11 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Feng Y, Hare CE, Leblanc K, Rose JM, Zhang Y, DiTullio GR, Lee PA, Wilhelm SW, Rowe JM, Sun J, Nemcek N, Gueguen C, Passow U, Benner I, Brown C, Hutchins DA
Effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on the North Atlantic spring bloom. I. The phytoplankton community and biogeochemical response
MEPS 388:13-25 | Full text in pdf format
Rose JM, Feng Y, Gobler CJ, Gutierrez R, Hare CE, Leblanc K, Hutchins DA
Effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on the North Atlantic spring bloom. II. Microzooplankton abundance and grazing
MEPS 388:27-40 | Full text in pdf format
Lee PA, Rudisill JR, Neeley AR, Maucher JM, Hutchins DA, Feng Y, Hare CE, Leblanc K, Rose JM, Wilhelm SW, Rowe JM, DiTullio GR
Effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on the North Atlantic spring bloom. III. Dimethylsulfoniopropionate
MEPS 388:41-49 | Full text in pdf format
Edgar GJ, Stuart-Smith RD
Ecological effects of marine protected areas on rocky reef communitiesa continental-scale analysis
MEPS 388:51-62 | Full text in pdf format
Brigolin D, Pastres R, Nickell TD, Cromey CJ, Aguilera DR, Regnier P
Modelling the impact of aquaculture on early diagenetic processes in sea loch sediments
MEPS 388:63-80 | Full text in pdf format
Xu J, Yin K, Ho AYT, Lee JHW, Anderson DM, Harrison PJ
Nutrient limitation in Hong Kong waters inferred from comparison of nutrient ratios, bioassays and 33P turnover times
MEPS 388:81-97 | Full text in pdf format
Balestri E, Gobert S, Lepoint G, Lardicci C
Seed nutrient content and nutritional status of Posidonia oceanica seedlings in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
MEPS 388:99-109 | Full text in pdf format
Goldstien SJ, Gemmell NJ, Schiel DR
Colonisation and connectivity by intertidal limpets among New Zealand, Chatham and Sub-Antarctic Islands. I. Genetic connections
MEPS 388:111-119 | Full text in pdf format
Chiswell SM
Colonisation and connectivity by intertidal limpets among New Zealand, Chatham and Sub-Antarctic Islands. II. Oceanographic connections
MEPS 388:121-135 | Full text in pdf format
Kuo ESL, Sanford E
Geographic variation in the upper thermal limits of an intertidal snail: implications for climate envelope models
MEPS 388:137-146 | Full text in pdf format
Sastri AR, Dower JF
Interannual variability in chitobiase-based production rates of the crustacean zooplankton community in the Strait of Georgia
MEPS 388:147-157 | Full text in pdf format
Freeman DJ, MacDiarmid AB, Taylor RB
Habitat patches that cross marine reserve boundaries: consequences for the lobster Jasus edwardsii
MEPS 388:159-167 | Full text in pdf format
Guest MA, Frusher SD, Nichols PD, Johnson CR, Wheatley KE
Trophic effects of fishing southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii shown by combined fatty acid and stable isotope analyses
MEPS 388:169-184 | Full text in pdf format
Rhyne AL, Zhang D, Lin J, Schizas NV
Not any two will do: DNA divergence and interpopulation reproductive compatibility in the simultaneous hermaphroditic shrimp Lysmata wurdemanni
MEPS 388:185-195 | Full text in pdf format
Malecha PW, Stone RP
Response of the sea whip Halipteris willemoesi to simulated trawl disturbance and its vulnerability to subsequent predation
MEPS 388:197-206 | Full text in pdf format
Arkema KK
Flow-mediated feeding in the field: consequences for the performance and abundance of a sessile marine invertebrate
MEPS 388:207-220 | Full text in pdf format
Cardinale M, Möllmann C, Bartolino V, Casini M, Kornilovs G, Raid T, Margonski P, Grzyb A, Raitaniemi J, Gröhsler T, Flinkman J
Effect of environmental variability and spawner characteristics on the recruitment of Baltic herring Clupea harengus
MEPS 388:221-234 | Full text in pdf format
Munday PL, Crawley NE, Nilsson GE
Interacting effects of elevated temperature and ocean acidification on the aerobic performance of coral reef fishes
MEPS 388:235-242 | Full text in pdf format
Sigler MF, Tollit DJ, Vollenweider JJ, Thedinga JF, Csepp DJ, Womble JN, Wong MA, Rehberg MJ, Trites AW
Steller sea lion foraging response to seasonal changes in prey availability
MEPS 388:243-261 | Full text in pdf format
Hanson NN, Wurster CM, Bird MI, Reid K, Boyd IL
Intrinsic and extrinsic forcing in life histories: patterns of growth and stable isotopes in male Antarctic fur seal teeth
MEPS 388:263-272 | Full text in pdf format
Murphy S, Winship A, Dabin W, Jepson PD, Deaville R, Reid RJ, Spurrier C, Rogan E, López A, González AF, Read FL, Addink M, Silva M, Ridoux V, Learmonth JA, Pierce GJ, Northridge SP
Importance of biological parameters in assessing the status of Delphinus delphis
MEPS 388:273-291 | Full text in pdf format
Bouma TJ, Friedrichs M, Klaassen P, van Wesenbeeck BK, Brun FG, Temmerman S, van Katwijk MM, Graf G, Herman PMJ
Effects of shoot stiffness, shoot size and current velocity on scouring sediment from around seedlings and propagules
MEPS 388:293-297 | Full text in pdf format