Bertics VJ, Sohm JA, Treude T, Chow CET, Capone DG, Fuhrman JA, Ziebis WBurrowing deeper into benthic nitrogen cycling: the impact of bioturbation on nitrogen fixation coupled to sulfate reduction MEPS 409:1-15 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Fagerberg T, Jephson T, Carlsson P
Molecular size of riverine dissolved organic matter influences coastal phytoplankton communities
MEPS 409:17-25 | Full text in pdf format
Haas AF, Jantzen C, Naumann MS, Iglesias-Prieto R, Wild C
Organic matter release by the dominant primary producers in a Caribbean reef lagoon: implication for in situ O2 availability
MEPS 409:27-39 | Full text in pdf format
Foley MM, Koch PL
Correlation between allochthonous subsidy input and isotopic variability in the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera in central California, USA
MEPS 409:41-50 | Full text in pdf format
Lenihan HS, Edmunds PJ
Response of Pocillopora verrucosa to corallivory varies with environmental conditions
MEPS 409:51-63 | Full text in pdf format
Imbs AB, Latyshev NA, Dautova TN, Latypov YY
Distribution of lipids and fatty acids in corals by their taxonomic position and presence of zooxanthellae
MEPS 409:65-75 | Full text in pdf format
Dahlgren K, Andersson A, Larsson U, Hajdu S, Båmstedt U
Planktonic production and carbon transfer efficiency along a north-south gradient in the Baltic Sea
MEPS 409:77-94 | Full text in pdf format
Sevadjian JC, McManus MA, Pawlak G
Effects of physical structure and processes on thin zooplankton layers in Mamala Bay, Hawaii
MEPS 409:95-106 | Full text in pdf format
Manríquez PH, Castilla JC
Fertilization efficiency and gamete viability in the ascidian Pyura praeputialis in Chile
MEPS 409:107-119 | Full text in pdf format
Liu HC, Gong GC, Chang J
Lateral water exchange between shelf-margin upwelling and Kuroshio waters influences phosphorus stress in microphytoplankton
MEPS 409:121-130 | Full text in pdf format
Engelsma MY, Kerkhoff S, Roozenburg I, Haenen OLM, van Gool A, Sistermans W, Wijnhoven S, Hummel H
Epidemiology of Bonamia ostreae infecting European flat oysters Ostrea edulis from Lake Grevelingen, The Netherlands
MEPS 409:131-142 | Full text in pdf format
Wong MC, Peterson CH, Kay J
Prey size selection and bottom type influence multiple predator effects in a crab-bivalve system
MEPS 409:143-156 | Full text in pdf format
Klevjer TA, Tarling GA, Fielding S
Swarm characteristics of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba relative to the proximity of land during summer in the Scotia Sea
MEPS 409:157-170 | Full text in pdf format
Rook MA, Lipcius RN, Bronner BM, Chambers RM
Bycatch reduction device conserves diamondback terrapin without affecting catch of blue crab
MEPS 409:171-179 | Full text in pdf format
Ben-Tzvi O, Tchernov D, Kiflawi M
Role of coral-derived chemical cues in microhabitat selection by settling Chromis viridis
MEPS 409:181-187 | Full text in pdf format
Huse G, Fernö A, Holst JC
Establishment of new wintering areas in herring co-occurs with peaks in the first time/repeat spawner ratio
MEPS 409:189-198 | Full text in pdf format
Polgar G, Bartolino V
Size variation of six species of oxudercine gobies along the intertidal zone in a Malayan coastal swamp
MEPS 409:199-212 | Full text in pdf format
Martino EJ, Houde ED
Recruitment of striped bass in Chesapeake Bay: spatial and temporal environmental variability and availability of zooplankton prey
MEPS 409:213-228 | Full text in pdf format
Prado P, Romero J, Alcoverro T
Nutrient status, plant availability and seasonal forcing mediate fish herbivory in temperate seagrass beds
MEPS 409:229-239 | Full text in pdf format
Zeppelin TK, Orr AJ
Stable isotope and scat analyses indicate diet and habitat partitioning in northern fur seals Callorhinus ursinus across the eastern Pacific
MEPS 409:241-253 | Full text in pdf format
Goldsworthy SD, Page B, Welling A, Chambellant M, Bradshaw CJA
Selection of diving strategy by Antarctic fur seals depends on where and when foraging takes place
MEPS 409:255-266 | Full text in pdf format
Goecke F, Labes A, Wiese J, Imhoff JF
Chemical interactions between marine macroalgae and bacteria
MEPS 409:267-299 | Full text in pdf format
Pillay D
Expanding the envelope: linking invertebrate bioturbators with micro-evolutionary change
MEPS 409:301-303 | Full text in pdf format