Inter-Research > MEPS > v410 > Feature  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 410 - Feature article
A green fluorescent DNA probe allows identification of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis larvae in a plankton sample, despite autofluorescence in the plankton.
Image: Christine Henzler

Henzler CM, Hoaglund EA, Gaines SD


FISH-CS—a rapid method for counting and sorting species of marine zooplankton


Research into the population dynamics of marine species with a planktonic phase often requires the onerous sorting of plankton samples. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization, Henzler and co-workers have developed a method for automated sorting of one or more target species from a plankton sample. A fluorescent-labeled DNA probe color-codes the species or genus of interest, and the sample is then automatically sorted by a large-format cell sorter. The sorter corrects for autofluorescence in non-target organisms and particles, and counts and sorts the target species from the sample, optionally dispensing them into 96-well plates for additional analysis.


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