ABSTRACT: Reef-forming corals cycle carbon (C) between the coral host, their endosymbiotic algae, and their skeleton. At elevated sea-surface temperatures this relationship breaks down and the corals bleach by expelling their endosymbiotic algae or these algae lose their photosynthetic pigments. The effect of thermally induced bleaching on the C cycling of 2 ecologically important coral species was investigated. The acquisition and assimilation of photoautotrophically and heterotrophically acquired C was examined via pulse-chase labeling experiments in thermally bleached and non-bleached Montipora capitata and Porites compressa corals. In non-bleached corals photoautotrophic and heterotrophic C were acquired and assimilated very differently. Namely, photoautotrophically acquired C was used to meet short-term metabolic demands and calcification, whereas heterotrophically acquired C was retained in both the coral host and endosymbiotic algae. In bleached corals there was a dramatic reduction in the assimilation of photoautotrophically acquired C by the endosymbiotic algae, in the translocation of C from the algae to the coral host, and in the C assimilated in the skeleton. The level of heterotrophically acquired C assimilated into bleached corals was similar to that in non-bleached corals, and was a direct source of organic C to the endosymbiotic algae. This host-to-endosymbiotic algal supply of heterotrophic C may stimulate endosymbiotic algal recovery. These findings show the importance of both photoautotrophic and heterotrophic C to coral function and demonstrate that both play a crucial role in the recovery from bleaching.
KEY WORDS: Porites compressa · Montipora capitata · Coral bleaching · Resilience · Stable isotope · Heterotrophy · Photoautotrophy
Full text in pdf format | Cite this article as: Hughes AD, Grottoli AG, Pease TK, Matsui Y
(2010) Acquisition and assimilation of carbon in non-bleached and bleached corals. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 420:91-101. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps08866
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