Inter-Research > MEPS > v429 > p93-101  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 429:93-101 (2011)  -  DOI:

Trace elements in the statoliths of jumbo flying squid off the Exclusive Economic Zones of Chile and Peru

Bilin Liu1,2, Xinjun Chen1,2,*, Yong Chen2,3, Huajie Lu1, Weiguo Qian1,2 

1College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Hucheng Ring Road 999, Lingang New City, Shanghai 201306, PR China
2The Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources, Ministry of Education,
999 Hucheng Ring Road, Shanghai 201306, PR China
3School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469, USA
*Corresponding author. Email:

ABSTRACT: Ontogenetic variation in 4 trace element (88Sr, 137Ba, 24Mg, 23Na) concentrations and their ratios to Ca were measured in statoliths of the jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas off the Exclusive Economic Zone of Chilean and Peruvian waters using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The element compositions of statoliths showed no significant differences between females and males. All of the elements in different growth zones showed significant variations, except for Mg. Sr:Ca and Mg:Ca were good indicators for distinguishing squid from autumn and winter spawning seasons. Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca distribution patterns in statoliths confirmed that paralarvae and juvenile squid inhabit surface waters, while subadult squid migrate into deeper waters. An increasing Sr:Ca ratio of subadult squid could be explained by declining temperature gradients from northern to southern sampling locations, although no significant Sr:Ca differences were observed (p > 0.05). Mg:Ca ratios decreased progressively from the nucleus to the peripheral zone, which might be correlated with statolith growth rates. Na:Ca ratios slightly declined from paralarvae to the subadult phase. Quantitative relationships between statolith trace elements and environmental conditions under different growth stages are needed to improve our understanding of life history of D. gigas.

KEY WORDS: Dosidicus gigas · Life history · Chile · Peru · Strontium · Barium · Magnesium · Sodium

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Cite this article as: Liu B, Chen X, Chen Y, Lu H, Qian W (2011) Trace elements in the statoliths of jumbo flying squid off the Exclusive Economic Zones of Chile and Peru. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 429:93-101.

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