Manderson J, Palamara L, Kohut J, Oliver MJ Ocean observatory data are useful for regional habitat modeling of species with different vertical habitat preferences MEPS 438:1-17 | More Information...| Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Herfort L, Peterson TD, McCue LA, Zuber P
Protist 18S rRNA gene sequence analysis reveals multiple sources of organic matter contributing to turbidity maxima of the Columbia River estuary
MEPS 438:19-31 | Full text in pdf format
Dekaezemacker J, Bonnet S
Sensitivity of N2 fixation to combined nitrogen forms (NO3− and NH4+) in two strains of the marine diazotroph Crocosphaera watsonii (Cyanobacteria)
MEPS 438:33-46 | Full text in pdf format
Garcés E, Basterretxea G, Tovar-Sánchez A
Changes in microbial communities in response to submarine groundwater input
MEPS 438:47-58 | Full text in pdf format
Li QP, Franks PJS, Landry MR
Microzooplankton grazing dynamics: parameterizing grazing models with dilution experiment data from the California Current Ecosystem
MEPS 438:59-69 | Full text in pdf format
Pape E, Nara Bezerra T, Vanneste H, Heeschen K, Moodley L, Leroux F, van Breugel P, Vanreusel A
Community structure and feeding preference of nematodes associated with methane seepage at the Darwin mud volcano (Gulf of Cádiz)
MEPS 438:71-83 | Full text in pdf format
Lages BG, Fleury BG, Menegola C, Creed JC
Change in tropical rocky shore communities due to an alien coral invasion
MEPS 438:85-96 | Full text in pdf format
Linares C, Pratchett MS, Coker DJ
Recolonisation of Acropora hyacinthus following climate-induced coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef
MEPS 438:97-104 | Full text in pdf format
Enochs IC, Toth LT, Brandtneris VW, Afflerbach JC, Manzello DP
Environmental determinants of motile cryptofauna on an eastern Pacific coral reef
MEPS 438:105-118 | Full text in pdf format
Hoogenboom MO, Connolly SR, Anthony KRN
Biotic and abiotic correlates of tissue quality for common scleractinian corals
MEPS 438:119-128 | Full text in pdf format
Enge AJ, Nomaki H, Ogawa NO, Witte U, Moeseneder MM, Lavik G, Ohkouchi N, Kitazato H, Kučera M, Heinz P
Response of the benthic foraminiferal community to a simulated short-term phytodetritus pulse in the abyssal North Pacific
MEPS 438:129-142 | Full text in pdf format
Johnson DS
High-marsh invertebrates are susceptible to eutrophication
MEPS 438:143-152 | Full text in pdf format
Valdizan A, Beninger PG, Decottignies P, Chantrel M, Cognie B
Evidence that rising coastal seawater temperatures increase reproductive output of the invasive gastropod Crepidula fornicata
MEPS 438:153-165 | Full text in pdf format
Radford CA, Tindle CT, Montgomery JC, Jeffs AG
Modelling a reef as an extended sound source increases the predicted range at which reef noise may be heard by fish larvae
MEPS 438:167-174 | Full text in pdf format
van de Wolfshaar KE, HilleRisLambers R, Gårdmark A
Effect of habitat productivity and exploitation on populations with complex life cycles
MEPS 438:175-184 | Full text in pdf format
Eliasen K, Reinert J, Gaard E, Hansen B, Jacobsen JA, Grønkjær P, Christensen JT
Sandeel as a link between primary production and higher trophic levels on the Faroe shelf
MEPS 438:185-194 | Full text in pdf format
Eastman JT, Barrera-Oro E, Moreira E
Adaptive radiation at a low taxonomic level: divergence in buoyancy of the ecologically similar Antarctic fish Notothenia coriiceps and N. rossii
MEPS 438:195-206 | Full text in pdf format
Bradbury IR, Coulson MW, Campana SE, Paterson IG, Bentzen P
Contemporary nuclear and mitochondrial genetic clines in a north temperate estuarine fish reflect Pleistocene vicariance
MEPS 438:207-218 | Full text in pdf format
Zenimoto K, Sasai Y, Sasaki H, Kimura S
Estimation of larval duration in Anguilla spp., based on cohort analysis, otolith microstructure, and Lagrangian simulations
MEPS 438:219-228 | Full text in pdf format
Zador S, Aydin K, Cope J
Fine-scale analysis of arrowtooth flounder Atherestes stomias catch rates reveals spatial trends in abundance
MEPS 438:229-239 | Full text in pdf format
Sharir Y, Kerem D, Gol’din P, Spanier E
Small size in the common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus in the eastern Mediterranean: a possible case of Levantine nanism
MEPS 438:241-251 | Full text in pdf format
Tyson RB, Nowacek SM, Nowacek DP
Community structure and abundance of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in coastal waters of the northeast Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 438:253-265 | Full text in pdf format
Miller CA, Reeb D, Best PB, Knowlton AR, Brown MW, Moore MJ
Blubber thickness in right whales Eubalaena glacialis and Eubalaena australis related with reproduction, life history status and prey abundance
MEPS 438:267-283 | Full text in pdf format
Bentaleb I, Martin C, Vrac M, Mate B, Mayzaud P, Siret D, de Stephanis R, Guinet C
Foraging ecology of Mediterranean fin whales in a changing environment elucidated by satellite tracking and baleen plate stable isotopes
MEPS 438:285-302 | Full text in pdf format