Moriarty PE, Andrews KS, Harvey CJ, Kawase M Vertical and horizontal movement patterns of scyphozoan jellyfish in a fjord-like estuary MEPS 455:1-12 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Josefson AB, Norkko J, Norkko A
Burial and decomposition of plant pigments in surface sediments of the Baltic Sea: role of oxygen and benthic fauna
MEPS 455:33-49 | Full text in pdf format
Filbee-Dexter K, Scheibling RE
Hurricane-mediated defoliation of kelp beds and pulsed delivery of kelp detritus to offshore sedimentary habitats
MEPS 455:51-64 | Full text in pdf format
Kahng SE, Hochberg EJ, Apprill A, Wagner D, Luck DG, Perez D, Bidigare RR
Efficient light harvesting in deep-water zooxanthellate corals
MEPS 455:65-77 | Full text in pdf format
Studer A, Poulin R
Seasonal dynamics in an intertidal mudflat: the case of a complex trematode life cycle
MEPS 455:79-93 | Full text in pdf format
Chen M, Liu H, Chen B
Effects of dietary essential fatty acids on reproduction rates of a subtropical calanoid copepod, Acartia erythraea
MEPS 455:95-110 | Full text in pdf format
Haye PA, Varela AI, Thiel M
Genetic signatures of rafting dispersal in algal-dwelling brooders Limnoria spp. (Isopoda) along the SE Pacific (Chile)
MEPS 455:111-122 | Full text in pdf format
Gasca R, Franco-Gordo C, Godínez-Domínguez E, Suárez-Morales E
Hyperiid amphipod community in the Eastern Tropical Pacific before, during, and after El Niño 1997−1998
MEPS 455:123-139 | Full text in pdf format
Volkenborn N, Polerecky L, Wethey DS, DeWitt TH, Woodin SA
Hydraulic activities by ghost shrimp Neotrypaea californiensis induce oxic−anoxic oscillations in sediments
MEPS 455:141-156 | Full text in pdf format
Cleary AC, Durbin EG, Rynearson TA
Krill feeding on sediment in the Gulf of Maine (North Atlantic)
MEPS 455:157-172 | Full text in pdf format
Gómez-Gutiérrez J, Martínez-Gómez S, Robinson CJ
Seasonal growth, molt, and egg production rates of Nyctiphanes simplex (Crustacea: Euphausiacea) juveniles and adults in the Gulf of California
MEPS 455:173-194 | Full text in pdf format
Kamenev GM, Nekrasov DA
Bivalve fauna and distribution in the Amur River estuary—a warm-water ecosystem in the cold-water Pacific region
MEPS 455:195-210 | Full text in pdf format
Benoit-Bird KJ, Gilly WF
Coordinated nocturnal behavior of foraging jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas
MEPS 455:211-228 | Full text in pdf format
Blower DC, Pandolfi JM, Bruce BD, Gomez-Cabrera MdC, Ovenden JR
Population genetics of Australian white sharks reveals fine-scale spatial structure, transoceanic dispersal events and low effective population sizes
MEPS 455:229-244 | Full text in pdf format
Belicka LL, Matich P, Jaffé R, Heithaus MR
Fatty acids and stable isotopes as indicators of early-life feeding and potential maternal resource dependency in the bull shark Carcharhinus leucas
MEPS 455:245-256 | Full text in pdf format
Smart TI, Duffy-Anderson JT, Horne JK
Alternating temperature states influence walleye pollock early life stages in the southeastern Bering Sea
MEPS 455:257-267 | Full text in pdf format
Lord C, Lorion J, Dettai A, Watanabe S, Tsukamoto K, Cruaud C, Keith P
From endemism to widespread distribution: phylogeography of three amphidromous Sicyopterus species (Teleostei: Gobioidei: Sicydiinae)
MEPS 455:269-285 | Full text in pdf format
Hückstädt LA, Burns JM, Koch PL, McDonald BI, Crocker DE, Costa DP
Diet of a specialist in a changing environment: the crabeater seal along the western Antarctic Peninsula
MEPS 455:287-301 | Full text in pdf format