Anderson R, Winter C, Jürgens KProtist grazing and viral lysis as prokaryotic mortality factors at Baltic Sea oxic−anoxic interfaces MEPS 467:1-14 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Corell H, Moksnes PO, Engqvist A, Döös K, Jonsson PR
Depth distribution of larvae critically affects their dispersal and the efficiency of marine protected areas
MEPS 467:29-46 | Full text in pdf format
Hansen JH, Hedeholm RB, Sünksen K, Tang Christensen J, Grønkjær P
Spatial variability of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope ratios in an Arctic marine food web
MEPS 467:47-59 | Full text in pdf format
Seear PJ, Goodall-Copestake WP, Fleming AH, Rosato E, Tarling GA
Seasonal and spatial influences on gene expression in Antarctic krill Euphausia superba
MEPS 467:61-75 | Full text in pdf format
Ferrari R, Gonzalez-Rivero M, Mumby PJ
Size matters in competition between corals and macroalgae
MEPS 467:77-88 | Full text in pdf format
Burman SG, Aronson RB, van Woesik R
Biotic homogenization of coral assemblages along the Florida reef tract
MEPS 467:89-96 | Full text in pdf format
Rossi S, Bramanti L, Broglio E, Gili JM
Trophic impact of long-lived species indicated by population dynamics in the short-lived hydrozoan Eudendrium racemosum
MEPS 467:97-111 | Full text in pdf format
Yakovis EL, Artemieva AV, Fokin MV, Varfolomeeva MA
Intraspecific variation in stable isotope signatures indicates no small-scale feeding interference between a horse mussel and an ascidian
MEPS 467:113-120 | Full text in pdf format
Lathlean JA, Minchinton TE
Manipulating thermal stress on rocky shores to predict patterns of recruitment of marine invertebrates under a changing climate
MEPS 467:121-136 | Full text in pdf format
Johnston CA, Lipcius RN
Exotic macroalga Gracilaria vermiculophylla provides superior nursery habitat for native blue crab in Chesapeake Bay
MEPS 467:137-146 | Full text in pdf format
Ebert TA, Hernández JC, Russell MP
Ocean conditions and bottom-up modifications of gonad development in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus over space and time
MEPS 467:147-166 | Full text in pdf format
Luo J, Ault JS
Vertical movement rates and habitat use of Atlantic tarpon
MEPS 467:167-180 | Full text in pdf format
Cure K, Benkwitt CE, Kindinger TL, Pickering EA, Pusack TJ, McIlwain JL, Hixon MA
Comparative behavior of red lionfish Pterois volitans on native Pacific versus invaded Atlantic coral reefs
MEPS 467:181-192 | Full text in pdf format
Peklova I, Hussey NE, Hedges KJ, Treble MA, Fisk AT
Depth and temperature preferences of the deepwater flatfish Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in an Arctic marine ecosystem
MEPS 467:193-205 | Full text in pdf format
Harden LA, Williard AS
Using spatial and behavioral data to evaluate the seasonal bycatch risk of diamondback terrapins Malaclemys terrapin in crab pots
MEPS 467:207-217 | Full text in pdf format
Anderson EM, Lovvorn JR
Seasonal dynamics of prey size mediate complementary functions of mussel beds and seagrass habitats for an avian predator
MEPS 467:219-232 | Full text in pdf format
King SD, Harper GA, Wright JB, McInnes JC, van der Lubbe JE, Dobbins ML, Murray SJ
Site-specific reproductive failure and decline of a population of the Endangered yellow-eyed penguin: a case for foraging habitat quality
MEPS 467:233-244 | Full text in pdf format
Dias MP, Granadeiro JP, Catry P
Working the day or the night shift? Foraging schedules of Cory’s shearwaters vary according to marine habitat
MEPS 467:245-252 | Full text in pdf format
Edgell TC, Demarchi MW
California and Steller sea lion use of a major winter haulout in the Salish Sea over 45 years
MEPS 467:253-262 | Full text in pdf format
Rosen DAS, Tollit DJ
Effects of phylogeny and prey type on fatty acid calibration coefficients in three pinniped species: implications for the QFASA dietary quantification technique
MEPS 467:263-276 | Full text in pdf format
Morey G, Morales-Nin B, Riera F, Grau A, Geffen AJ, Pérez-Mayol S, Chang MY, Grau AM
Atlantic cod Gadus morhua in the Mediterranean: a surprising immigrant
MEPS 467:277-280 | Full text in pdf format
Krumhansl KA, Scheibling RE
Production and fate of kelp detritus
MEPS 467:281-302 | Full text in pdf format
Hoque ATMR, Sharma S, Suwa R, Mori S, Hagihara A, Vol. 404:31-37, 2010
MEPS 467:303 | Full text in pdf format