Inter-Research > MEPS > v475 > feature  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 475 - Feature article
Paleoecological methods make it possible to reconstruct anthropogenic effects such as coastal eutrophication over periods of a century. Photo: Dongyan Liu and Zhijun Dong

Liu D, Shen X, Di B, Shi Y, Keesing JK, Wang Y, Wang Y


Palaeoecological analysis of phytoplankton regime shifts in response to coastal eutrophication


Palaeo-oceanographic methods are an effective way of reconstructing past changes in the marine environment. Liu and co-workers are the first to use sterols, diatom frustules and dinoflagellate cysts as proxies for improving the reconstruction of diatom and dinoflagellate biomasses in sediment cores. These paleo-indicators, as well as historical data are instrumental for assessing the history of eutrophication in a coastal area undergoing rapid change. The technique should be useful for studies in other areas where long term data records are lacking.


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