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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 476 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 476 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2013 Inter-Research. Published February 27

Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by are freely available to all users.

Cabral-Tena RA, Reyes-Bonilla H, Lluch-Cota S, Paz-García DA, Calderón-Aguilera LE, Norzagaray-López O, Balart EF
Different calcification rates in males and females of the coral Porites panamensis in the Gulf of California
MEPS 476:1-8 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format

Jessen C, Wild C
Herbivory effects on benthic algal composition and growth on a coral reef flat in the Egyptian Red Sea
MEPS 476:9-21 | Full text in pdf format

Poland DM, Mansfield JM, Hannes AR, Lewis CLF, Shearer TL, Connelly SJ, Kirk NL, Coffroth MA
Variation in Symbiodinium communities in juvenile Briareum asbestinum (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) over temporal and spatial scales
MEPS 476:23-37 | Full text in pdf format

Riquelme-Bugueño R, Escribano R, Gómez-Gutiérrez J
Somatic and molt production in Euphausia mucronata off central-southern Chile: the influence of coastal upwelling variability
MEPS 476:39-57 | Full text in pdf format

Bearham D, Vanderklift MA, Gunson JR
Temperature and light explain spatial variation in growth and productivity of the kelp Ecklonia radiata
MEPS 476:59-70 | Full text in pdf format

Slattery M, Gochfeld DJ, Easson CG, O’Donahue LRK
Facilitation of coral reef biodiversity and health by cave sponge communities
MEPS 476:71-86 | Full text in pdf format

Majaneva S, Berge J, Renaud PE, Vader A, Stübner E, Rao AM, Sparre Ø, Lehtiniemi M
Aggregations of predators and prey affect predation impact of the Arctic ctenophore Mertensia ovum
MEPS 476:87-100 | Full text in pdf format

Zúñiga D, Froján M, Castro CG, Alonso-Pérez F, Labarta U, Figueiras FG, Fuentes-Santos I, Fernández-Reiriz MJ
Feedback between physiological activity of Mytilus galloprovincialis and biogeochemistry of the water column
MEPS 476:101-114 | Full text in pdf format

Babarro JMF,  Abad MJ
Co-existence of two mytilid species in a heterogeneous environment: mortality, growth and strength of shell and byssus attachment
MEPS 476:115-128 | Full text in pdf format

Miller NA, Stillman JH
Seasonal and spatial variation in the energetics of the invasive clam Corbula amurensis in the upper San Francisco Estuary
MEPS 476:129-139 | Full text in pdf format

Gyory J, Pineda J, Solow A
Turbidity triggers larval release by the intertidal barnacle Semibalanus balanoides
MEPS 476:141-151 | Full text in pdf format

Prado P, Heck KL Jr, Watts SA, Cebrian J
δ13C and δ18O signatures from sea urchin skeleton: importance of diet type in metabolic contributions
MEPS 476:153-166 | Full text in pdf format

Moore CH, Drazen JC, Kelley CD, Misa WFXE
Deepwater marine protected areas of the main Hawaiian Islands: establishing baselines for commercially valuable bottomfish populations
MEPS 476:167-183 | Full text in pdf format

Able KW, Grothues TM, Kemp IM
Fine-scale distribution of pelagic fishes relative to a large urban pier
MEPS 476:185-198 | Full text in pdf format

Dyer DC, Perissinotto R, Carrasco NK
Post-flood dietary variation in the Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus in the St Lucia Estuary, South Africa
MEPS 476:199-214 | Full text in pdf format

Comerford S, Brophy D, Fox CJ, Taylor N, van der Veer HW, Nash RDM, Geffen AJ
Temperature effect on growth and larval duration of plaice Pleuronectes platessa in three regions of the Northeast Atlantic
MEPS 476:215-226 | Full text in pdf format

Di Franco A, Qian K, Calò A, Di Lorenzo M, Planes S, Guidetti P
Patterns of variability in early life traits of a Mediterranean coastal fish
MEPS 476:227-235 | Full text in pdf format

Vander Zanden HB, Arthur KE, Bolten AB, Popp BN, Lagueux CJ, Harrison E, Campbell CL, Bjorndal KA
Trophic ecology of a green turtle breeding population
MEPS 476:237-249 | Full text in pdf format

Lovvorn JR, De La Cruz SEW, Takekawa JY, Shaskey LE, Richman SE
Niche overlap, threshold food densities, and limits to prey depletion for a diving duck assemblage in an estuarine bay
MEPS 476:251-268 | Full text in pdf format

Ramírez I, Paiva VH, Menezes D, Silva I, Phillips RA, Ramos JA, Garthe S
Year-round distribution and habitat preferences of the Bugio petrel
MEPS 476:269-284 | Full text in pdf format

Slone DH, Reid JP, Kenworthy WJ
Mapping spatial resources with GPS animal telemetry: foraging manatees locate seagrass beds in the Ten Thousand Islands, Florida, USA
MEPS 476:285-299 | Full text in pdf format

Miller SH, Morgan SG
Interspecific differences in depth preference: regulation of larval transport in an upwelling system
MEPS 476:301-306 | Full text in pdf format