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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS - Vol. 520 - Table of contents

MEPS - Vol. 520 - Table of contents

Mar Ecol Prog Ser (Print ISSN: 0171-8630; Online ISSN: 1616-1599)
Copyright © 2015 Inter-Research. Published February 03

Abstracts are available to all users. Full article .pdfs are available to subscribers only.
Articles marked by or are freely available to all users.

Adam TC, Burkepile DE, Ruttenberg BI, Paddack MJ
Herbivory and the resilience of Caribbean coral reefs: knowledge gaps and implications for management

MEPS 520:1-20 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format


Thoisen C, Riisgaard K, Lundholm N, Nielsen TG, Hansen PJ
Effect of acidification on an Arctic phytoplankton community from Disko Bay, West Greenland
MEPS 520:21-34 | Full text in pdf format

Laurenceau-Cornec EC, Trull TW, Davies DM, De La Rocha CL, Blain S
Phytoplankton morphology controls on marine snow sinking velocity
MEPS 520:35-56 | Full text in pdf format

Gollner S, Govenar B, Fisher CR, Bright M
Size matters at deep-sea hydrothermal vents: different diversity and habitat fidelity patterns of meio- and macrofauna 
MEPS 520:57-66 | Full text in pdf format

Froehlich HE, Hennessey SM, Essington TE, Beaudreau AH, Levin PS
Spatial and temporal variation in nearshore macrofaunal community structure in a seasonally hypoxic estuary
MEPS 520:67-83 | Full text in pdf format

Feis ME, Thieltges DW, Olsen JL, de Montaudouin X, Jensen KT, Bazaïri H, Culloty SC, Luttikhuizen PC
The most vagile host as the main determinant of population connectivity in marine macroparasites
MEPS 520:85-99 | Full text in pdf format

Navarrete SA, Largier JL, Vera G, Tapia FJ, Parragué M, Ramos E, Shinen JL, Stuardo CA, Wieters EA
Tumbling under the surf: wave-modulated settlement of intertidal mussels and the continuous settlement relocation model
MEPS 520:101-121 | Full text in pdf format

De Silva-Dávila R, Franco-Gordo C, Hochberg FG, Godínez-Domínguez E, Avendaño-Ibarra R, Gómez-Gutiérrez J, Robinson CJ
Cephalopod paralarval assemblages in the Gulf of California during 2004−2007
MEPS 520:123-141 | Full text in pdf format

Beermann J, Boos K
Flexible microhabitat partitioning between hemi-sessile congeners
MEPS 520:143-151 | Full text in pdf format

Darnell KM, Dunton KH
Consumption of turtle grass seeds and seedlings by crabs in the western Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 520:153-163 | Full text in pdf format

Heck KL Jr , Fodrie FJ, Madsen S, Baillie CJ, Byron DA
Seagrass consumption by native and a tropically associated fish species: potential impacts of the tropicalization of the northern Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 520:165-173 | Full text in pdf format

Kutti T, Fosså JH, Bergstad OA
Influence of structurally complex benthic habitats on fish distribution
MEPS 520:175-190 | Full text in pdf format

Freedman R, Whitcraft CR, Lowe CG
Connectivity and movements of juvenile predatory fishes between discrete restored estuaries in southern California
MEPS 520:191-201 | Full text in pdf format

Ashe JL, Feldheim KA, Fields AT, Reyier EA, Brooks EJ, O’Connell MT, Skomal G, Gruber SH, Chapman DD
Local population structure and context-dependent isolation by distance in a large coastal shark
MEPS 520:203-216 | Full text in pdf format

Sólmundsson J, Jónsdóttir IG, Björnsson B, Ragnarsson SÁ, Tómasson GG, Thorsteinsson V
Home ranges and spatial segregation of cod Gadus morhua spawning components
MEPS 520:217-233 | Full text in pdf format

van Deurs M, Jørgensen C, Fiksen Ø
Effects of copepod size on fish growth: a model based on data for North Sea sandeel
MEPS 520:235-243 | Full text in pdf format

Eggers F, Moland Olsen E, Moland E, Slotte A
Individual habitat transitions of Atlantic herring Clupea harengus in a human-modified coastal system
MEPS 520:245-256 | Full text in pdf format

Shoji A, Elliott K, Fayet A, Boyle D, Perrins C, Guilford T
Foraging behaviour of sympatric razorbills and puffins
MEPS 520:257-267 | Full text in pdf format

Volumes 511 to 520 (2014-2015)
MEPS 520:269-280 | Full text in pdf format