Falkner I, Sewell MA, Byrne MEvolution of maternal provisioning in ophiuroid echinoderms: characterisation of egg composition in planktotrophic and lecithotrophic developers MEPS 525:1-13 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Stevens CJ, Juniper SK, Limén H, Pond DW, Metaxas A, Gélinas Y
Obligate hydrothermal vent fauna at East Diamante submarine volcano (Mariana Arc) exploit photosynthetic and chemosynthetic carbon sources
MEPS 525:25-39 | Full text in pdf format
Cook PLM, Evrard V, Woodland RJ
Factors controlling nitrogen fixation in temperate seagrass beds
MEPS 525:41-51 | Full text in pdf format
Brodeur MC, Piehler MF, Fodrie FJ
Consumers mitigate heat stress and nutrient enrichment effects on eelgrass Zostera marina communities at its southern range limit
MEPS 525:53-64 | Full text in pdf format
Lee CL, Huang YH, Chung CY, Hsiao SC, Lin HJ
Herbivory in multi-species, tropical seagrass beds
MEPS 525:65-80 | Full text in pdf format
Cornwall CE, Pilditch CA, Hepburn CD, Hurd CL
Canopy macroalgae influence understorey corallines’ metabolic control of near-surface pH and oxygen concentration
MEPS 525:81-95 | Full text in pdf format
Rovelli L, Attard KM, Bryant LD, Flögel S, Stahl H, Roberts JM, Linke P, Glud RN
Benthic O2 uptake of two cold-water coral communities estimated with the non-invasive eddy correlation technique
MEPS 525:97-104 | Full text in pdf format
Edwards AJ, Guest JR, Heyward AJ, Villanueva RD, Baria MV, Bollozos ISF, Golbuu Y
Direct seeding of mass-cultured coral larvae is not an effective option for reef rehabilitation
MEPS 525:105-116 | Full text in pdf format
Lesser MP, Slattery M
Picoplankton consumption supports the ascidian Cnemidocarpa verrucosa in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
MEPS 525:117-126 | Full text in pdf format
Blanchet-Aurigny A, Dubois SF, Quéré C, Guillou M, Pernet F
Trophic niche of two co-occurring ophiuroid species in impacted coastal systems, derived from fatty acid and stable isotope analyses
MEPS 525:127-141 | Full text in pdf format
Sromek L, Lasota R, Wolowicz M
Impact of glaciations on genetic diversity of pelagic mollusks: Antarctic Limacina antarctica and Arctic Limacina helicina
MEPS 525:143-152 | Full text in pdf format
Greene C, Kuehne L, Rice C, Fresh K, Penttila D
Forty years of change in forage fish and jellyfish abundance across greater Puget Sound, Washington (USA): anthropogenic and climate associations
MEPS 525:153-170 | Full text in pdf format
Claydon JAB, Calosso MC, De Leo GA, Peachey RBJ
Spatial and demographic consequences of nursery-dependence in reef fishes: an empirical and simulation study
MEPS 525:171-183 | Full text in pdf format
Gahagan BI, Fox DA, Secor DH
Partial migration of striped bass: revisiting the contingent hypothesis
MEPS 525:185-197 | Full text in pdf format
Günther CC, Herrmann JP, Temming A
Laboratory calibration of optimal growth to deduce in situ feeding conditions of early juvenile sprat Sprattus sprattus from otoliths
MEPS 525:199-215 | Full text in pdf format
Carlisle AB, Litvin SY, Hazen EL, Madigan DJ, Goldman KJ, Lea RN, Block BA
Reconstructing habitat use by juvenile salmon sharks links upwelling to strandings in the California Current
MEPS 525:217-228 | Full text in pdf format
Takahashi A, Ito M, Suzuki Y, Watanuki Y, Thiebot JB, Yamamoto T, Iida T, Trathan P, Niizuma Y, Kuwae T
Migratory movements of rhinoceros auklets in the northwestern Pacific: connecting seasonal productivities
MEPS 525:229-243 | Full text in pdf format
Vales DG, Cardona L, García NA, Zenteno L, Crespo EA
Ontogenetic dietary changes in male South American fur seals Arctocephalus australis in Patagonia
MEPS 525:245-260 | Full text in pdf format
Drago M, Franco-Trecu V, Zenteno L, Szteren D, Crespo EA, Riet Sapriza FG, de Oliveira L, Machado R, Inchausti P, Cardona L
Sexual foraging segregation in South American sea lions increases during the pre-breeding period in the Río de la Plata plume
MEPS 525:261-272 | Full text in pdf format
Watt CA, Orr JR, Heide-Jørgensen MP, Nielsen NH, Ferguson SH
Differences in dive behaviour among the world’s three narwhal Monodon monoceros populations correspond with dietary differences
MEPS 525:273-285 | Full text in pdf format