FEATURE ARTICLE Nakamura T, Kimura O, Matsuda A, Matsuishi T, Kobayashi M, Endo T Radiocesium contamination of cetaceans stranded along the coast of Hokkaido, Japan, and an estimation of their travel routes MEPS 535:1-9 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Mostajir B, Roques C, Bouvier C, Bouvier T, Fouilland É, Got P, Le Floc’h E, Nouguier J, Mas S, Sempéré R, Sime-Ngando T, Troussellier M, Vidussi F
Microbial food web structural and functional responses to oyster and fish as top predators
MEPS 535:11-27 | Full text in pdf format
Fields L, Mercer J, Hyde KJW, Brush M, Nixon SW, Oviatt C, Schwartz ML, Ullman D, Codiga D
Comparison of surface chlorophyll, primary production, and satellite imagery in hydrographically different sounds off southern New England
MEPS 535:29-45 | Full text in pdf format
Fuentes-Lema A, Sobrino C, González N, Estrada M, Neale PJ
Effect of solar UVR on the production of particulate and dissolved organic carbon from phytoplankton assemblages in the Indian Ocean
MEPS 535:47-61 | Full text in pdf format
Cardich J, Gutiérrez D, Romero D, Pérez A, Quipúzcoa L, Marquina R, Yupanqui W, Solís J, Carhuapoma W, Sifeddine A, Rathburn A
Calcareous benthic foraminifera from the upper central Peruvian margin: control of the assemblage by pore water redox and sedimentary organic matter
MEPS 535:63-87 | Full text in pdf format
Huenerlage K, Buchholz F
Thermal limits of krill species from the high-Arctic Kongsfjord (Spitsbergen)
MEPS 535:89-98 | Full text in pdf format
Attard KM, Stahl H, Kamenos NA, Turner G, Burdett HL, Glud RN
Benthic oxygen exchange in a live coralline algal bed and an adjacent sandy habitat: an eddy covariance study
MEPS 535:99-115 | Full text in pdf format
Sheehan EV, Bridger D, Cousens SL, Attrill MJ
Testing the resilience of dead maerl infaunal assemblages to the experimental removal and re-lay of habitat
MEPS 535:117-128 | Full text in pdf format
Blackett M, Lucas CH, Harmer RA, Licandro P
Population ecology of Muggiaea atlantica (Cnidaria, Siphonophora) in the Western English Channel
MEPS 535:129-144 | Full text in pdf format
Tagliarolo M, McQuaid CD
Sub-lethal and sub-specific temperature effects are better predictors of mussel distribution than thermal tolerance
MEPS 535:145-159 | Full text in pdf format
Hubbard AB, Reidenbach MA
Effects of larval swimming behavior on the dispersal and settlement of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica
MEPS 535:161-176 | Full text in pdf format
Wing SR, Wing L
Ontogenetic shifts in resource use by the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus across an ecotone
MEPS 535:177-184 | Full text in pdf format
Aarestrup K, Baktoft H, Thorstad EB, Svendsen JC, Höjesjö J, Koed A
Survival and progression rates of anadromous brown trout kelts Salmo trutta during downstream migration in freshwater and at sea
MEPS 535:185-195 | Full text in pdf format
Wringe BF, Fleming IA, Purchase CF
Spawning success of cultured and wild male Atlantic cod Gadus morhua does not differ during paired contests
MEPS 535:197-211 | Full text in pdf format
Munsch SH, Cordell JR, Toft JD
Effects of seawall armoring on juvenile Pacific salmon diets in an urban estuarine embayment
MEPS 535:213-229 | Full text in pdf format
Patel SH, Panagopoulou A, Morreale SJ, Kilham SS, Karakassis I, Riggall T, Margaritoulis D, Spotila JR
Differences in size and reproductive output of loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta nesting in the eastern Mediterranean Sea are linked to foraging site
MEPS 535:231-241 | Full text in pdf format
Meyer-Gutbrod EL, Greene CH, Sullivan PJ, Pershing AJ
Climate-associated changes in prey availability drive reproductive dynamics of the North Atlantic right whale population
MEPS 535:243-258 | Full text in pdf format
Lecours V, Devillers R, Schneider DC, Lucieer VL, Brown CJ, Edinger EN
Spatial scale and geographic context in benthic habitat mapping: review and future directions
MEPS 535:259-284 | Full text in pdf format
Cook et al., Vol. 525: 41-51 (2015)
MEPS 535:285 | Full text in pdf format