ABSTRACT: Temperature increase associated with global climate change can be expected to directly influence the spawning success of fish species, with implications for abundance and distribution. We conducted a meta-analysis to investigate and compare responses of development time, cumulative degree-days and survival of fish eggs from 32 populations of 17 species in the North Atlantic to different temperatures in order to determine potential consequences of global warming for these species. The response of development time exhibited a similar decreasing trend with respect to temperature across species. The similar slopes of regression lines relating ln-transformed development time and temperature indicate similar sensitivity to temperature changes. Across-species differences were mainly driven by intercept values, indicating up to 8-fold differences in development time at given temperature. There was an overall decrease, across species, in an index of thermal requirement (cumulative degree-days) for egg development with increasing temperature. Within an empirically derived optimal thermal range for egg survival, the thermal requirement was more variable in species adapted to cold waters compared to species adapted to warmer waters. Moreover, the sensitivity of survival of eggs from different species to increases in temperature differed, reflecting a pattern of sensitivity along a stenotherm-eurytherm gradient of vulnerability to temperature among species. The results quantify physiological effects of temperature on the eggs, and we propose that such effects are major factors leading to a close correspondence between the physiological optimal temperature for survival and observed temperature at spawning sites. Temperature during egg development appears to be a key evolutionary force affecting spawning time and location.
KEY WORDS: Degree-days · Development time · Fish eggs · Global warming · North Atlantic · Survival · Temperature effects
Full text in pdf format Supplementary material | Cite this article as: Tsoukali S, Visser AW, MacKenzie BR
(2016) Functional responses of North Atlantic fish eggs to increasing temperature. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 555:151-165. https://doi.org/10.3354/meps11758
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