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Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Discovery of oyster spat recruitment in the French Mediterranean Thau lagoon. Photo: UMR MARBEC

Lagarde F, Roque d’orbcastel E, Ubertini M, Mortreux S, Bernard I, Fiandrino A, Chiantella C, Bec B, Roques C, Bonnet D, Miron G, Richard M, Pouvreau S, Lett C


Recruitment of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in a shellfish-exploited Mediterranean lagoon: discovery, driving factors and a favorable environmental window

Lagarde and colleagues studied recruitment of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in the shellfish farmed French Mediterranean Thau lagoon, under warming and oligotrophic conditions. Oyster spat and environmental parameters were monitored at several sampling sites for 3 yr (2012-2014). Contrary to established knowledge, Lagarde and colleagues found recruitment at levels comparable to those in other traditional French oyster breeding basins. When conditions are favorable for oyster recruitment (high water temperature as well as high nanophytoplankton and Chaetoceros spp. abundances), it was hypothesized that the ecosystem functions as an autotrophic system, as opposed to a heterotrophic system that characterizes unfavorable conditions. The shellfish industry will benefit from the discovery of spatfields to develop new nursery practices that are eco-friendly and limit risks of transfers with other spatfall areas.



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