McMurray SE, Stubler AD, Erwin PM, Finelli CM, Pawlik JR A test of the sponge-loop hypothesis for emergent Caribbean reef sponges MEPS 588:1-14 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Guerra-Castro EJ, Cruz-Motta JJ
Colonization and succession as drivers of small-scale spatial variability in epibionts on mangrove roots in the Southern Caribbean
MEPS 588:15-27 | Full text in pdf format
Goessling JW, Frankenbach S, Ribeiro L, Serôdio J, Kühl M
Modulation of the light field related to valve optical properties of raphid diatoms: implications for niche differentiation in the microphytobenthos
MEPS 588:29-42 | Full text in pdf format
Hernández-Ruiz M, Prieto A, Barber-Lluch E, Teira E
Amino acid utilization by eukaryotic picophytoplankton in a coastal upwelling system
MEPS 588:43-57 | Full text in pdf format
Richerson K, Driscoll R, Mangel M
Increasing temperature may shift availability of euphausiid prey in the Southern Ocean
MEPS 588:59-70 | Full text in pdf format
Gomez CG, Guzman HM, Gonzalez A
Stability and dynamic properties of octocoral communities in the Tropical Eastern Pacific
MEPS 588:71-84 | Full text in pdf format
Ceccarelli DM, Logan M, Purcell SW
Analysis of optimal habitat for captive release of the sea cucumber Holothuria scabra
MEPS 588:85-100 | Full text in pdf format
Zhadan PM, Vaschenko MA, Ryazanov SD
Assessing the effect of environmental factors on the spawning activity of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius through video recording observations
MEPS 588:101-119 | Full text in pdf format
Goodell W, Stamoulis KA, Friedlander AM
Coupling remote sensing with in situ surveys to determine reef fish habitat associations for the design of marine protected areas
MEPS 588:121-134 | Full text in pdf format
Cardozo-Ferreira GC, Macieira RM, Francini-Filho RB, Joyeux JC
Inferring labrid functional roles through morphological and ecological traits
MEPS 588:135-145 | Full text in pdf format
Surma S, Pakhomov EA, Pitcher TJ
Energy-based ecosystem modelling illuminates the ecological role of Northeast Pacific herring
MEPS 588:147-161 | Full text in pdf format
Wilson MT, Dougherty A, Matta ME, Mier KL, Miller JA
Otolith chemistry of juvenile walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus in relation to regional hydrography: evidence of spatially split cohorts
MEPS 588:163-178 | Full text in pdf format
Gilby BL, Olds AD, Connolly RM, Maxwell PS, Henderson CJ, Schlacher TA
Seagrass meadows shape fish assemblages across estuarine seascapes
MEPS 588:179-189 | Full text in pdf format
Alemany D, Iribarne OO, Acha EM
Marine fronts as preferred habitats for young Patagonian hoki Macruronus magellanicus on the southern Patagonian shelf
MEPS 588:191-200 | Full text in pdf format
Clusa M, Carreras C, Cardona L, Demetropoulos A, Margaritoulis D, Rees AF, Hamza AA, Khalil M, Levy Y, Turkozan O, Aguilar A, Pascual M
Philopatry in loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta: beyond the gender paradigm
MEPS 588:201-213 | Full text in pdf format
Gauffier P, Verborgh P, Giménez J, Esteban R, Salazar Sierra JM, de Stephanis R
Contemporary migration of fin whales through the Strait of Gibraltar
MEPS 588:215-228 | Full text in pdf format
Cortés V, García-Barcelona S, González-Solís J
Sex- and age-biased mortality of three shearwater species in longline fisheries of the Mediterranean
MEPS 588:229-241 | Full text in pdf format
Pouil S, Bustamante P, Warnau M, Metian M
Overview of trace element trophic transfer in fish through the concept of assimilation efficiency
MEPS 588:243-254 | Full text in pdf format