Inter-Research > MEPS > v588 > c_p147-161  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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MEPS 588:147-161 (2018) - DOI:

Energy-based ecosystem modelling illuminates the ecological role of Northeast Pacific herring


Szymon Surma*, Evgeny A. Pakhomov, Tony J. Pitcher


*Corresponding author: s.surma(at)


January 14, 2019:

Changes (indicated by the blue boxes) were made to the Supplement after publication. Specifically:


Table S2
(i) the data in columns ei (high) and Reference were switched with those in ei (low) and Reference.
(ii) The ei values (both high and low) for seabirds (piscivorous, teuthivorous and planktivorous) were corrected from 5.00 to 7.00.


Tables S3, S4 & S12–16
The units in the first data column were changed from J.m–2 to MJ.m–2.


Table S18
The units in the second data column were corrected from J.m–2 to MJ.m–2 .


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