O'Brien JM, Scheibling RETurf wars: competition between foundation and turf-forming species on temperate and tropical reefs and its role in regime shifts MEPS 590:1-17 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Karp MA, Seitz RD, Fabrizio MC
Faunal communities on restored oyster reefs: effects of habitat complexity and environmental conditions
MEPS 590:35-51 | Full text in pdf format
McConnico LA, Hernández-Carmona G, Riosmena-Rodríguez R
Nutrient production in rhodolith beds: impact of a foundation species and its associates
MEPS 590:53-66 | Full text in pdf format
Olsen YS, Fraser MW, Martin BC, Pomeroy A, Lowe R, Pedersen O, Kendrick GA
In situ oxygen dynamics in rhizomes of the seagrass Posidonia sinuosa: impact of light, water column oxygen, current speed and wave velocity
MEPS 590:67-77 | Full text in pdf format
Blok SE, Olesen B, Krause-Jensen D
Life history events of eelgrass Zostera marina L. populations across gradients of latitude and temperature
MEPS 590:79-93 | Full text in pdf format
Redelstein R, Zotz G, Balke T
Seedling stability in waterlogged sediments: an experiment with saltmarsh plants
MEPS 590:95-108 | Full text in pdf format
Lavaud R, Artigaud S, Le Grand F, Donval A, Soudant P, Flye-Sainte-Marie J, Strohmeier T, Strand Ø, Leynaert A, Beker B, Chatterjee A, Jean F
New insights into the seasonal feeding ecology of Pecten maximus using pigments, fatty acids and sterols analyses
MEPS 590:109-129 | Full text in pdf format
Reeves DB, Chesney EJ, Munnelly RT, Baltz DM
Barnacle settlement and growth at oil and gas platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 590:131-143 | Full text in pdf format
Barash A, Pickholtz R, Pickholtz E, Blaustein L, Rilov G
Seasonal aggregations of sharks near coastal power plants in Israel: an emerging phenomenon
MEPS 590:145-154 | Full text in pdf format
Yarlett RT, Perry CT, Wilson RW, Philpot KE
Constraining species−size class variability in rates of parrotfish bioerosion on Maldivian coral reefs: implications for regional-scale bioerosion estimates
MEPS 590:155-169 | Full text in pdf format
Hurst TP, Miller JA, Ferm N, Heintz RA, Farley EV
Spatial variation in potential and realized growth of juvenile Pacific cod in the southeastern Bering Sea
MEPS 590:171-185 | Full text in pdf format
Wenger LN, van Lier JR, Fulton CJ
Microhabitat selectivity shapes the seascape ecology of a carnivorous macroalgae-associated tropical fish
MEPS 590:187-200 | Full text in pdf format
Maharaj RR, Lam VWY, Pauly D, Cheung WWL
Regional variability in the sensitivity of Caribbean reef fish assemblages to ocean warming
MEPS 590:201-209 | Full text in pdf format
Wilkinson BP, Jahncke J, Warzybok P, Bradley RW, Shaffer SA
Variable utilization of shelf break-associated habitats by chick-brooding rhinoceros auklets in the California Current System
MEPS 590:211-226 | Full text in pdf format
Urmy SS, Warren JD
Foraging hotspots of common and roseate terns: the influence of tidal currents, bathymetry, and prey density
MEPS 590:227-245 | Full text in pdf format
Malinka CE, Gillespie DM, Macaulay JDJ, Joy R, Sparling CE
First in situ passive acoustic monitoring for marine mammals during operation of a tidal turbine in Ramsey Sound, Wales
MEPS 590:247-266 | Full text in pdf format
Volumes 581 to 590 (2017-2018)
MEPS 590:267-277 | Full text in pdf format