Vane K, Wallsgrove NJ, Ekau W, Popp BNReconstructing lifetime nitrogen baselines and trophic position of Cynoscion acoupa from δ15N values of amino acids in otoliths MEPS 597:1-11 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
Leclerc JC
Patterns of spatial variability between contrasting substrata: a boulder-field study
MEPS 597:23-38 | Full text in pdf format
Dalponti G, Guariento RD, Caliman A
Hunting high or low: body size drives trophic position among and within marine predators
MEPS 597:39-46 | Full text in pdf format
Gasbarro R, Wan D, Tunnicliffe V
Composition and functional diversity of macrofaunal assemblages on vertical walls of a deep northeast Pacific fjord
MEPS 597:47-64 | Full text in pdf format
Bulleri F, Thiault L, Mills SC, Nugues MM, Eckert EM, Corno G, Claudet J
Erect macroalgae influence epilithic bacterial assemblages and reduce coral recruitment
MEPS 597:65-77 | Full text in pdf format
Karati KK, Vineetha G, Raveendran TV, Muraleedharan KR, Habeebrehman H, Philson KP, Achuthankutty CT
River plume fronts and their implications for the biological production of the Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean
MEPS 597:79-98 | Full text in pdf format
Plough LV, Fitzgerald C, Plummer A, Pierson JJ
Reproductive isolation and morphological divergence between cryptic lineages of the copepod Acartia tonsa in Chesapeake Bay
MEPS 597:99-113 | Full text in pdf format
Murillo FJ, Kenchington E, Tompkins G, Beazley L, Baker E, Knudby A, Walkusz W
Sponge assemblages and predicted archetypes in the eastern Canadian Arctic
MEPS 597:115-135 | Full text in pdf format
Goldstein J, Jürgensen C, Steiner UK, Riisgård HU
Density-driven water exchange controls seasonal declines in jellyfish (Aurelia aurita) abundance in a shallow fjord system
MEPS 597:137-145 | Full text in pdf format
Mercado-Molina AE, Ruiz-Diaz CP, Sabat AM
Tissue loss rather than colony size determines the demographic fate of the branching coral Acropora cervicornis
MEPS 597:147-159 | Full text in pdf format
Copeman L, Ryer C, Spencer M, Ottmar M, Iseri P, Sremba A, Wells J, Parrish C
Benthic enrichment by diatom-sourced lipid promotes growth and condition in juvenile Tanner crabs around Kodiak Island, Alaska
MEPS 597:161-178 | Full text in pdf format
Keesing JK, Halford AR, Hall KC
Mortality rates of small juvenile crown-of-thorns starfish Acanthaster planci on the Great Barrier Reef: implications for population size and larval settlement thresholds for outbreaks
MEPS 597:179-190 | Full text in pdf format
Haulsee DE, Breece MW, Brown LM, Wetherbee BM, Fox DA, Oliver MJ
Spatial ecology of Carcharias taurus in the northwestern Mid-Atlantic coastal ocean
MEPS 597:191-206 | Full text in pdf format
Adam TC, Duran A, Fuchs CE, Roycroft MV, Rojas MC, Ruttenberg BI, Burkepile DE
Comparative analysis of foraging behavior and bite mechanics reveals complex functional diversity among Caribbean parrotfishes
MEPS 597:207-220 | Full text in pdf format
Madigan DJ, Snodgrass OE, Fisher NS
From migrants to mossbacks: tracer- and tag-inferred habitat shifts in the California yellowtail Seriola dorsalis
MEPS 597:221-230 | Full text in pdf format
Passuni G, Barbraud C, Chaigneau A, Bertrand A, Oliveros-Ramos R, Ledesma J, Castillo R, Bouchon M,
Bertrand S
Long-term changes in the breeding seasonality of Peruvian seabirds and regime shifts in the Northern Humboldt Current System
MEPS 597:231-242 | Full text in pdf format
Kelly JP, Rothenbach CA, Weathers WW
Echoes of numerical dependence: responses of wintering waterbirds to Pacific herring spawns
MEPS 597:243-257 | Full text in pdf format
Nielsen NH, Teilmann J, Sveegaard S, Hansen RG, Sinding MHS, Dietz R, Heide-Jørgensen MP
Oceanic movements, site fidelity and deep diving in harbour porpoises from Greenland show limited similarities to animals from the North Sea
MEPS 597:259-272 | Full text in pdf format
Rechisky et al., Vol. 496:159-180 (2013)
MEPS 597:273-274 | Full text in pdf format