Bernik BM, Pardue JH, Blum MJSoil erodibility differs according to heritable trait variation and nutrient-induced plasticity in the salt marsh engineer Spartina alterniflora MEPS 601:1-14 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Vasquez-Cardenas D, Meire L, Sørensen HL, Glud RN, Meysman FJR, Boschker HTS
Bacterial chemoautotrophic reoxidation in sub-Arctic sediments: a seasonal study in Kobbefjord, Greenland
MEPS 601:33-39 | Full text in pdf format
Frankenbach S, Schmidt W, Frommlet JC, Serôdio J
Photoinactivation, repair and the motility-physiology trade-off in microphytobenthos
MEPS 601:41-57 | Full text in pdf format
White MM, Drapeau DT, Lubelczyk LC, Abel VC, Bowler BC, Balch WM
Calcification of an estuarine coccolithophore increases with ocean acidification when subjected to diurnally fluctuating carbonate chemistry
MEPS 601:59-76 | Full text in pdf format
Schulz I, Montresor M, Klaas C, Assmy P, Wolzenburg S, Gauns M, Sarkar A, Thiele S, Wolf-Gladrow D, Naqvi W, Smetacek V
Remarkable structural resistance of a nanoflagellate-dominated plankton community to iron fertilization during the Southern Ocean experiment LOHAFEX
MEPS 601:77-95 | Full text in pdf format
Hertz E, Trudel M, Carrasquilla-Henao M, Eisner L, Farley EV Jr, Moss JH, Murphy JM, Mazumder A
Oceanography and community structure drive zooplankton carbon and nitrogen dynamics in the eastern Bering Sea
MEPS 601:97-108 | Full text in pdf format
McGinty N, Barton AD, Record NR, Finkel ZV, Irwin AJ
Traits structure copepod niches in the North Atlantic and Southern Ocean
MEPS 601:109-126 | Full text in pdf format
Łukowiak M, Cramer KL, Madzia D, Hynes MG, Norris RD, O’Dea A
Historical change in a Caribbean reef sponge community and long-term loss of sponge predators
MEPS 601:127-137 | Full text in pdf format
Shahrestani S, Bi H
Settlement and survival of Chrysaora chesapeakei polyps: implications for adult abundance
MEPS 601:139-151 | Full text in pdf format
Miller KJ, Baird HP, van Oosterom J, Mondon J, King CK
Complex genetic structure revealed in the circum-Antarctic broadcast spawning sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri
MEPS 601:153-166 | Full text in pdf format
Prebble CEM, Rohner CA, Pierce SJ, Robinson DP, Jaidah MY, Bach SS, Trueman CN
Limited latitudinal ranging of juvenile whale sharks in the Western Indian Ocean suggests the existence of regional management units
MEPS 601:167-183 | Full text in pdf format
Cimino M, Colin P, Schramek T, Lindfield S, Domeier M, Terrill E
Oceanographic, acoustic, and remote approaches reveal the spatio-temporal dynamics of blackfin snapper at an aggregation site in Palau
MEPS 601:185-201 | Full text in pdf format
Soto DX, Trueman CN, Samways KM, Dadswell MJ, Cunjak RA
Ocean warming cannot explain synchronous declines in North American Atlantic salmon populations
MEPS 601:203-213 | Full text in pdf format
Shamblin BM, Witherington BE, Hirama S, Hardy RF, Nairn CJ
Mixed stock analyses indicate population-scale connectivity effects of active dispersal by surface-pelagic green turtles
MEPS 601:215-226 | Full text in pdf format
Sztukowski LA, Cotton PA, Weimerskirch H, Thompson DR, Torres LG, Sagar PM, Knights AM, Fayet AL, Votier SC
Sex differences in individual foraging site fidelity of Campbell albatross
MEPS 601:227-238 | Full text in pdf format
Ainley DG, Dugger KM, La Mesa M, Ballard G, Barton KJ, Jennings S, Karl BJ, Lescroël A, Lyver PO, Schmidt A, Wilson P
Post-fledging survival of Adélie penguins at multiple colonies: chicks raised on fish do well
MEPS 601:239-251 | Full text in pdf format
Rebstock GA, Boersma PD
Oceanographic conditions in wintering grounds affect arrival date and body condition in breeding female Magellanic penguins
MEPS 601:253-267 | Full text in pdf format
Mattos G, Paiva PC, Mateos M, Haye PA, Hurtado LA
The cost of ignoring cryptic diversity in macroecological studies: Comment on Martínez et al. (2017)
MEPS 601:269-271 | Full text in pdf format
Martínez G, Arim M, Defeo O
Genetics, taxonomy and species complex in sandy beach macrofauna: Reply to Mattos et al. (2018)
MEPS 601:273-275 | Full text in pdf format