Inter-Research > MEPS > v621 > c_p1-17  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Correction to MEPS 621:1-17 (2019) - DOI:

Global biogeography of coral recruitment: tropical decline and subtropical increase


N. N. Price*, S. Muko, L. Legendre, R. Steneck, M. J. H. van Oppen, R. Albright, P. Ang Jr., R. C. Carpenter, A. P. Y. Chui, T.-Y. Fan, R. D. Gates, S. Harii, H. Kitano, H. Kurihara, S. Mitarai, J. L. Padilla-Gamiño, K. Sakai, G. Suzuki, P. J. Edmunds


*Corresponding author: nprice(at)


May 11, 2020: Changes were made to Table S1 in Supplement 1 after publication. Specifically, coral recruit densities are re-entered as follows for specific citations:


Tomascik (1991): The wrong areas were used to calculate coral recruit densities. Values were changed from 254.8, 211.9, 183.3, 116.7, 52.4, 38.1 to 382.1, 317.9, 275, 175, 78.6, and 57.1 respectively.


Quinn & Kojis (2007): A typographical error led to the incorrect inclusion of an unrealistic value of 7,190.5 corals per meter squared; the correct value is 193.


Field et al. (2007): Only the 2000 and 2001 mean recruit density data are miscalculated from the citation. Values were changed from 25.1, 18.8, 25.1, 31.4 (from 2000) and 116.2, 59.7, 97.4, 37.7 (from 2001) to 79.8, 58.1, 64.2, 64.0 (2000) and 1042.1, 414.1, 420.2, 326.s (2001) respectively.


Sawall et al. (2010): Only select calculation errors were discovered from this citation, all from 2005. The following changes were made: from 163.2, 66, 24.3, 17.4, 38.2, 34.7 to 309, 90.3, 20.8, 10.4, 20.8, 10.4, respectively.


Finally, the citation Mackie (1976) has been changed to Loya (1976).



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