Mussel seed is highly plastic to settling conditions: the influence of waves versus tidal emergence
Jildou Schotanus*, Jacob J. Capelle, Lennet Leuchter, Johan van de Koppel, Tjeerd J. Bouma
*Corresponding author:
November 23, 2023:
In Section 2.2 ’Sampling; Patch characteristics’ on p. 80, there was an error in the description of the within-patch density (WPD) calculation.
The formula NP/A was incorrect, as it does not accurately represent WPD, which should be defined as the average number of mussels within mussel patches (n m–2). However, it is important to note that the correct formula was used for the analyses. The revised sentence should read as follows:
‘Mussel patch characteristics were analyzed in the photographs by converting mussel patches into polygons to calculate the number of patches (NP), the average perimeter (P) to area (A) ratio (P:A) of the patches and the within-patch density (WPD), which is the average number of mussels within mussel patches (n m–2), per experimental tank, using the program image-J v.1.52a.’