Seyer Y, Gauthier G, Bêty J, Therrien JF, Lecomte NSeasonal variations in migration strategy of a long-distance Arctic-breeding seabird MEPS 677:1-16 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Marchal P, Cresson P, Foveau A, Giraldo C, Lefebvre S, Vérin Y
Using the diet of fish to reflect spatial patterns of their benthic prey
MEPS 677:33-49 | Full text in pdf format
Šargač Z, Giménez L, Harzsch S, Krieger J, Fjordside K, Torres G
Contrasting offspring responses to variation in salinity and temperature among populations of a coastal crab: A maladaptive ecological surprise?
MEPS 677:51-65 | Full text in pdf format
Dale KE, Hallisey R, Mehta RS
Coloration is related to habitat in Gymnothorax mordax, a kelp forest predator
MEPS 677:67-79 | Full text in pdf format
Doll PC, Munday PL, Bonin MC, Jones GP
Habitat specialisation and overlap in coral reef gobies of the genus Eviota (Teleostei: Gobiidae)
MEPS 677:81-94 | Full text in pdf format
Andrews K, Bartos B, Harvey CJ, Tonnes D, Bhuthimethee M, MacCready P
Testing the potential for larval dispersal to explain connectivity and population structure of threatened rockfish species in Puget Sound
MEPS 677:95-113 | Full text in pdf format
Poiesz SSH, Witte JIJ, van der Meer MTJ, van der Veer HW, Soetaert KER
Trophic structure and resource utilization of the coastal fish community in the western Wadden Sea: evidence from stable isotope data analysis
MEPS 677:115-128 | Full text in pdf format
Rademaker M, Smallegange IM, van Leeuwen A
Causal links between North Sea fish biomass trends and seabed structure
MEPS 677:129-140 | Full text in pdf format
Dupont N, Durant JM, Gjøsæter H, Langangen Ø, Stige LC
Effects of sea ice cover, temperature and predation on the stock dynamics of the key Arctic fish species polar cod Boreogadus saida
MEPS 677:141-159 | Full text in pdf format
McManus MC, Langan JA, Bell RJ, Collie JS, Klein-MacPhee G, Scherer MD, Balouskus RG
Spatiotemporal patterns in early life stage winter flounder Pseudopleuronectes americanus highlight phenology changes and habitat dependencies
MEPS 677:161-175 | Full text in pdf format
Kakehi S, Narimatsu Y, Okamura Y, Yagura A, Ito S
Bottom temperature warming and its impact on demersal fish off the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan
MEPS 677:177-196 | Full text in pdf format
Bertrand P, Strøm H, Bêty J, Steen H, Kohler J, Vihtakari M, van Pelt W, Yoccoz NG, Hop H, Harris SM, Patrick SC, Assmy P, Wold A, Duarte P, Moholdt G, Descamps S
Feeding at the front line: interannual variation in the use of glacier fronts by foraging black-legged kittiwakes
MEPS 677:197-208 | Full text in pdf format
Durban JW, Fearnbach H, Paredes A, Hickmott LS, LeRoi DJ
Size and body condition of sympatric killer whale ecotypes around the Antarctic Peninsula
MEPS 677:209-217 | Full text in pdf format
LaRoche NL, King SL, Rogers MC, Eckert GL, Pearson HC
Behavioral observations and stable isotopes reveal high individual variation and little seasonal variation in sea otter diets in Southeast Alaska
MEPS 677:219-232 | Full text in pdf format
Stern JH, Laidre KL, Born EW, Wiig Ø, Sonne C, Dietz R, Fisk A, McKinney MA
Feeding habits of Baffin Bay polar bears Ursus maritimus: insight from stable isotopes and total mercury in hair
MEPS 677:233-244 | Full text in pdf format