Seasonal variation in the phenology of Atlantic tarpon in the Florida Keys: migration, occupancy, repeatability, and management implications
Lucas P. Griffin*, Jacob W. Brownscombe, Aaron J. Adams, Peter E. Holder, Alex Filous, Grace A. Casselberry, JoEllen K. Wilson, Ross E. Boucek, Susan K. Lowerre-Barbieri, Alejandro Acosta, Danielle Morley, Steven J. Cooke, Andy J. Danylchuk
*Corresponding author:
June 15, 2023:
The reference Romero et al. (2021) is incorrect and should be cited as Duffing Romero et al. (2021). This has been amended in the text on p. 144 and moved from p. 154 in the Literature Cited to p. 152.