Inter-Research > MEPS > v685 > c_p197-213  
Marine Ecology Progress Series

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Correction to MEPS 685:197-213 (2022) - DOI:

Correction to MEPS 685:197-213 (2022) - DOI:

Behavior and inter-island movements of satellite-tagged humpback whales in Hawai’i, USA

E. Elizabeth Henderson*, Mark Deakos, Jessica Aschettino, Daniel Engelhaupt, Gabriela Alongi

*Corresponding author:

November 28, 2023:

This paper utilized the online photo-id repository Happywhale ( to look for matches to the humpback whales encountered and tagged in Hawaii, in order to assess their migratory movement patterns.

Unfortunately, permission to use specific photos from the Russian Cetacean Habitat Project was not obtained, and thus all references to their data have now been removed from the text (p. 201 and 205) and Table 1 (p. 202). Removal of these data does not affect our findings.

Furthermore, other scientists who did provide permission to reference their photos have been added to the text (p. 201 and 205) and listed at the end of the Acknowledgements section (p. 210).

Finally, the fourth co-author name on the title page was corrected from Dan Englehaupt to Daniel Engelhaupt.

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