Monczak A, McKinney B, Souiedan J, Marian AD, Seder A, May E, Morgenstern T, Roumillat W, Montie EWSciaenid courtship sounds correlate with juvenile appearance and abundance in the May River, South Carolina, USA MEPS 693:1-17 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Hidalgo FJ, Miller SH, Borst K, Dozier J, Breitburg D
Context-dependent effects of ocean acidification on the interaction between a crab predator and its oyster prey
MEPS 693:39-54 | Full text in pdf format
Zhang Y, Song S, Chen T, Sun X, Li C
Population dynamics and reproduction of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans in Jiaozhou Bay, China
MEPS 693:55-68 | Full text in pdf format
Qui-Minet ZN, Davoult D, Grall J, Martin S
The relative contribution of fleshy epiphytic macroalgae to the production of temperate maerl (rhodolith) beds
MEPS 693:69-82 | Full text in pdf format
Ng CA, Micheli F
Variability in grazing on juvenile giant kelp throughout an upwelling season
MEPS 693:83-93 | Full text in pdf format
Arcángel AE, Rodríguez EA, de la Barra P, Pereyra PJ, Narvarte M
Seasonal changes in facilitation between an ascidian and a kelp in Patagonia
MEPS 693:95-106 | Full text in pdf format
Schoutens K, Luys P, Heuner M, Fuchs E, Minden V, Schulte Ostermann T, Bouma TJ, Van Belzen J, Temmerman S
Traits of tidal marsh plants determine survival and growth response to hydrodynamic forcing: implications for nature-based shoreline protection
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Macartney KJ, Pankey MS, Clayshulte Abraham A, Slattery M, Lesser MP
Depth-dependent trophic strategies of Caribbean sponges on mesophotic coral reefs
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Hayes CT, Alford SB, Belgrad BA, Correia KM, Darnell MZ, Furman BT, Hall MO, Martin CW, McDonald AM, Smee DL, Darnell KM
Regional variation in seagrass complexity drives blue crab Callinectes sapidus mortality and growth across the northern Gulf of Mexico
MEPS 693:141-155 | Full text in pdf format
Dorval E, Methot RD, Taylor IG, Piner KR
Otolith chemistry indicates age and region of settlement of immature shortspine thornyhead Sebastolobus alascanus in the eastern Pacific Ocean
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Corso J, French BJ, Edwards CB, Pedersen NE, Zgliczynski BJ, Planes S, Pacala S, Sandin SA
Non-random orientation of Pocillopora colonies on forereefs of Moorea, French Polynesia
MEPS 693:177-182 | Full text in pdf format
van der Veer HW, Tulp I, Witte JIJ, Poiesz SSH, Bolle LJ
Changes in functioning of the largest coastal North Sea flatfish nursery, the Wadden Sea, over the past half century
MEPS 693:183-201 | Full text in pdf format