Shearer JM, Jensen FH, Quick NJ, Friedlaender A, Southall B, Nowacek DP, Bowers M, Foley HJ, Swaim ZT, Waples DM, Read AJShort-finned pilot whales exhibit behavioral plasticity in foraging strategies mediated by their environment MEPS 695:1-14 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format |
Howell KL, Bridges AE, Graves KP, Allcock L, la Bianca G, Ventura-Costa C, Donaldson S, Downie AL, Furey T, McGrath F, Ross R
Performance of deep-sea habitat suitability models assessed using independent data, and implications for use in area-based management
MEPS 695:33-51 | Full text in pdf format
Randazzo-Eisemann Á, Garza-Pérez JR
The effects of coral assemblage shift on reef functions in Akumal, Mexico
MEPS 695:53-63 | Full text in pdf format
Pratt C, Denley D, Metaxas A
Ocean warming and multiple source populations increase the threat of an invasive bryozoan to kelp beds in the northwest Atlantic Ocean
MEPS 695:65-81 | Full text in pdf format
Li J, Chapman J, Johnson P
Co-infesting symbionts on a threatened marine host: evaluating correlations between an introduced parasitic isopod and a native symbiotic clam
MEPS 695:83-93 | Full text in pdf format
Vigo M, Navarro J, Giménez J, Andón N, Martínez-Lage A, Company JB, Rotllant G
Using molecular and stable isotope markers to identify the main predators of Nephrops norvegicus in Mediterranean deep-water ecosystems
MEPS 695:95-108 | Full text in pdf format
Zacchetti L, Martinelli M, Colella S, Santojanni A, Fanelli E
Seasonal variations in the feeding ecology of Nephrops norvegicus in the Adriatic Sea: insights from stomach contents and stable isotope analyses
MEPS 695:109-123 | Full text in pdf format
Edwards ML, McCallister M, Brewster LR, Bangley CW, Curtis TH, Ogburn MB, Ajemian MJ
Multi-year assessment of immature bull shark Carcharhinus leucas residency and activity spaces in an expansive estuarine nursery
MEPS 695:125-138 | Full text in pdf format
Howson UA, Targett TE, Grecay PA, Gaffney PM
Foraging by estuarine juveniles of two paralichthyid flounders: experimental analyses of the effects of light level, turbidity, and prey type
MEPS 695:139-156 | Full text in pdf format
Blincow KM, Swalethorp R, Ramírez-Valdez A, Semmens BX
Giant appetites: exploring the trophic ecology of California’s largest kelp forest predator, the giant sea bass Stereolepis gigas
MEPS 695:157-171 | Full text in pdf format
Young MJ, Seddon PJ, Pütz K, Agnew P, Mattern T, Hickcox RP, Robertson BC, van Heezik Y
Conservation implications for post-fledging dispersal of yellow-eyed penguins/hoiho
MEPS 695:173-188 | Full text in pdf format
Hildebrand L, Sullivan FA, Orben RA, Derville S, Torres LG
Trade-offs in prey quantity and quality in gray whale foraging
MEPS 695:189-201 | Full text in pdf format
de Lima RC, Cebuhar JD, Negrete J, Ferreira A, Secchi ER, Botta S
Ecosystem shifts inferred from long-term stable isotope analysis of male Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella teeth
MEPS 695:203-216 | Full text in pdf format